Post by Quakerlol on Dec 22, 2011 21:49:53 GMT -6
-- eldritchTransmission [ET] began pestering sadisticSylph [SS] at 21:07 --
[09:10] ET: FISHBL(..)(..)D!!! WHAT IN THE UNH(..)LY NAME (..)F MANT(..)R(..)K HAVE Y(..)U D(..)NE!?!?!?
[09:10] SS: Excuze me?
[09:11] SS: I don't zee why you're zpeaking zo harzhly to me.
[09:11] ET: Y(..)u, and this g(..)d f(..)rsaken game may have d(..)(..)med the entire planet!
[09:12] SS: There'z no 'may' about it.
[09:12] SS: The planet iz indeed doomed.
[09:12] ET: (..)h l(..)vely.
[09:12] SS: It waz all out of my handz.
[09:12] ET: I'll make this brief.
[09:12] SS: That'z unlikely.
[09:12] ET: I've been c(..)ntacted by the dark g(..)ds.
[09:13] ET: They t(..)ld me that I must enter the sessi(..)n in (..)rder t(..) live.
[09:13] SS: Thiz iz true.
[09:14] SS: Although I doubt the veracity of many of their other ztatementz.
[09:14] ET: S(..) I need t(..) kn(..)w wh(..) I am supp(..)sed t(..) c(..)ntact in (..)rder t(..) be inducted int(..) this farce.
[09:14] SS: That would be me.
[09:15] ET: G(..)(..)d, send me the pr(..)gram.
[09:15] SS: You will be Kyanaz' zerver player.
[09:15] SS: Doez thiz zuit you?
[09:15] ET: Yes that is fine, n(..)w HURRY.
[09:15] SS: Might I azk you not to prezume to command me?
[09:15] SS: I am, after all, a 'fizhblood'
[09:16] SS: And we 'fizhbloodz' do not take kindly to orderz.
[09:17] ET: I d(..)n't take kindly t(..) them myself, n(..)w will y(..)u kindly sh(..)ve that arr(..)gant crap up y(..)ur bl(..)wh(..)le and SEND ME THE PR(..)GRAM!
[09:18] SS: Very well then.
[03:33] -- sadisticSylph [SS] sent file sgrub.exe to eldritchTransmission [ET] at 15:33 --
[09:18] ET: G(..)(..)d.
[09:18] SS: That iz the zerver program
[09:18] SS: You will run it when I inztruct you to.
[09:18] SS: Not before.
[09:18] SS: If you did, it would doom uz further.
[09:19] SS: Once you have gotten Kyanaz into the Medium, I will zend you the client program.
[09:19] SS: You will need to zelect a zerver player.
[09:20] SS: I believe that Ztebia zhowed an interezt in filling that zlot for you?
[09:21] ET: That's fine. Y(..)u sh(..)uld send me the client pr(..)gram n(..)w thr(..)ugh.
[09:21] SS: Very well.
[03:33] -- sadisticSylph [SS] sent file sgrubclient.exe to eldritchTransmission [ET] at 15:33 --
[09:21] SS: Again, you muzt not run that until it iz time.
[09:21] SS: Proper order of thingz iz ezzential to our zuccezz.
[09:22] ET: (..)k, h(..)w d(..) y(..)u kn(..)w this?
[09:22] SS: I juzt know thingz.
[09:22] SS: You aren't the only one with zourcez.
[09:22] SS: Although mine are doubtlezz more reputable than yourz.
[09:23] ET: N(..)t g(..)(..)d en(..)ugh.
[09:23] ET: Tell me.
[09:23] SS: Excuze me?
[09:23] ET: Tell me what y(..)ur "s(..)urces" are.
[09:24] SS: That zounded an awful lot like an order.
[09:25] ET: I d(..)n't care if it s(..)unded like a muscle beast str(..)king his massive b(..)ne-bulge, n(..)w tell me what these well inf(..)rmed "s(..)rces" are.
[09:25] SS: That waz needlezzly graphic.
[09:26] ET: I'm a bit sh(..)rt t(..)day.
[09:26] SS: I've noticed.
[09:26] SS: But I zuppoze you have a right to know.
[09:26] SS: Zeeing az you are of the next highezt blood in the party that I know of.
[09:26] SS: I know thingz from my dreamz.
[09:27] ET: Finally s(..)mething that makes sense.
[09:27] SS: That makez zenze to you?
[09:27] SS: Ztrange.
[09:27] ET: Yes, I learn things fr(..)m my dreams als(..).
[09:27] SS: Really?
[09:28] SS: Interezting.
[09:28] SS: That zeemz unlikely
[09:28] SS: Have you awoken, then?
[09:28] ET: Hm?
[09:28] SS: On Prozpit.
[09:28] SS: The golden city?
[09:29] SS: How elze would you get dream-information?
[09:29] ET: What are y(..)u talking ab(..)ut?
[09:29] SS: Hmm.
[09:29] SS: Odd.
[09:29] ET: I already menti(..)ned that my kn(..)wledge c(..)mes fr(..)m the dark g(..)ds.
[09:29] SS: And I may not have mentioned thiz, but I do not believe in zaid dark godz.
[09:30] SS: Az far az I can tell, they are about az real az fairiez.
[09:30] ET: Believe me. They are very much real.
[09:31] SS: I will continue to be zkeptical until evidence prezentz itzelf to the contrary.
[09:32] SS: But go about your life az you will, I will not ztop you from believing in imaginary thingz.
[09:32] SS: Even if it doez not befit one of your blood.
[09:32] ET: L(..)(..)k.
[09:33] ET: Lets get (..)ne thing perfectly clear.
[09:34] ET: I d(..)n't give a damn ab(..)ut the hem(..)spectrum.
[09:34] SS: That'z ridiculouz.
[09:35] ET: If I have t(..) hear (..)ne m(..)re thing ab(..)ut bl(..)(..)d c(..)l(..)r, I will literally g(..) insane with murder frenzy.
[09:35] SS: I don't doubt that.
[09:35] SS: But the hemozpectrum givez ztructure to our zociety.
[09:36] SS: You may not like it, but it makez logical zenze.
[09:37] ET: The hem(..)spectrum am(..)unts t(..) a bunch (..)f grubs arguing (..)ver their fav(..)rite c(..)l(..)r, and which (..)ne is better than the (..)thers.
[09:37] SS: That iz the dumbezt thing I've ever heard.
[09:37] SS: There are appreciable differencez between the blood colorz.
[09:37] ET: It just s(..) happens that the purple bl(..)(..)ds live l(..)nger.
[09:38] SS: We can alzo breathe underwater.
[09:38] SS: Which you cannot do.
[09:38] ET: Wanna bet.
[09:38] SS: Actually, yez.
[09:38] SS: Becauze I am fairly zure that you are bluffing.
[09:39] ET: (..)h believe me, I have m(..)re than a few tricks in my arsenal.
[09:39] SS: Mmhmm.
[09:39] SS: Fazcinating, I'm zure.
[09:40] ET: Speaking (..)f tricks, is this the (..)nly c(..)mputer that y(..)u (..)wn?
[09:40] SS: No.
[09:40] SS: Are you going to blow it up?
[09:40] ET: Ah, y(..)u heard ab(..)ut that?
[09:40] SS: Of courze.
[09:41] ET: Stebia?
[09:41] SS: Yez.
[09:41] ET: (..)f c(..)urse.
[09:41] SS: And I can zee why you might be prejudiced againzt 'fizhbloodz'
[09:41] SS: But really, that perzon waz rather the exception.
[09:43] ET: Sure, y(..)u tell y(..)uself that.
[09:43] SS: Oh look.
[09:43] SS: Prejudice!
[09:43] SS: Hypocrite.
[09:55] ET: Hey, at least I'm prejudiced against the end (..)f the hem(..)spectru that r(..)utinely slaughters vast am(..)unts (..)f (..)ther tr(..)lls f(..)r petty p(..)litics!
[09:55] SS: Oh hey! Look!
[09:55] SS: More generalization!
[09:55] SS: Awezome!!
[09:56] SS: Like your end hazn't done the zame?
[09:56] SS: You are about two zhadez away from me and you know it.
[09:56] SS: Don't act like bluebloodz haven't killed lowbloodz before.
[09:58] ET: An(..)ther interesting thing that I realize is this. Bluebl(..)(..)ds are just as massive n(..)(..)k sniffers as the purples.
[09:58] SS: Well at leazt you're conziztent.
[09:59] SS: Even if- zurprize zurprize- you're ztill being incredibly biazed!
[09:59] ET: (..)h, and w(..)uld y(..)u like s(..)me specifics t(..) back up my generalizati(..)n?
[09:59] SS: Oh yez pleaze!
[10:00] SS: Becauze I don't have enough t worry about tonight, what with METEORZ and all
[10:00] SS: Pleaze, continue!
[10:04] ET: Give me a m(..)ment, I need t(..) capchal(..)gue several hundered t(..)mes detailing the purges (..)f the l(..)wbl(..)(..)ds, the petty p(..)litical spats that ended in wars, t(..)rture techniques, and (..)ther miscellani(..)us atr(..)cities.
[10:04] SS: Yez, all of thoze thingz happened.
[10:04] SS: Iz it ztill fair to apply that to me?
[10:04] ET: N(..) seri(..)usly.
[10:04] ET: Give me a m(..)ment.
[10:05] SS: No, zeriouzly.
[10:05] SS: You're an idiot.
[10:05] ET: (..)k, back. N(..)w d(..) y(..)u want the b(..)(..)ks (..)ne at a time, (..)r all t(..)gether?
[10:06] SS: No, I do believe I'll pazz.
[10:06] SS: Tell me, why do you not believe that lowbloodz are inferior?
[10:06] SS: Zpecifically.
[10:07] ET: I d(..)n't know whether the l(..)wbl(..)(..)ds are inferi(..)r (..)r n(..)t.
[10:07] SS: Interezting.
[10:08] ET: I am simply saying that the highbl(..)(..)ds are a bunch (..)f murder(..)us jackasses.
[10:09] SS: Again, interezting.
[10:09] SS: Zo to zummarize:
[10:09] SS: You are applying all of thiz to me
[10:09] SS: And azzuming that I, a 'fizhblood,' am a murderouz 'jackazz'
[10:09] SS: Who iz alzo a prejudiced bulgewhiffer
[10:10] SS: And who hatez all lowbloodz
[10:10] SS: Completely ignoring the fact that my bezt friend iz about az low on the hemozpectrum az you can get?
[10:10] ET: By J(..)ve she can be taught!
[10:10] SS: Clearly your logic will be a valuable addition to the team!
[10:11] SS: My goodnezz, you zhould clearly be the leader of thiz enterprize
[10:11] ET: (..)h g(..)d n(..).
[10:11] SS: Your combination of amazing obzervatorial zkillz and dubiouz zourcez will zurely lead uz to victory!
[10:11] SS: Yez, let'z all have a round of applauze for the mozt reazonable troll in all of Alternia.
[10:11] SS: That waz zarcazm, in caze you couldn't tell.
[10:11] SS: Azzhat.
[10:14] ET: First (..)ff I never said that I wanted t(..) lead any(..)ne.
[10:15] SS: REALLY.
[10:15] SS: I HAD NO IDEA.
[10:15] ET: I have n(..) desire t(..) deal with the band (..)f tr(..)lls that has assembled t(..) play.
[10:17] ET: At first I was simply d(..)ing it as a fav(..)r t(..) a friend. N(..)w, it has bec(..)me a means (..)f survival.
[10:17] ET: And I intend t(..) survive.
[10:17] SS: Wonderful!
[10:17] SS: Do you know what the bezt way to zurvive would be?
[10:18] SS: Would you like for me to tell you?
[10:19] ET: D(..)es it inv(..)lve destr(..)ying y(..)ur c(..)mputer? Because that is what I'm ab(..)ut t(..) d(..).
[10:19] SS: Nope.
[10:19] SS: It involvez
[10:19] SS: And lizten clozely here
[10:19] SS: Becauze I do not want it to ezcape your profound obzervational zkillz
[10:19] SS: Nor your vazt intellect
[10:20] SS: It'z quite zimple, really.
[10:20] SS: Zo perhapz you could work on that.
[10:20] ET: Uh huh, n(..)w c(..)unt al(..)ng with me.
[10:20] ET: 1
[10:20] ET: 2
[10:20] ET: 3
[10:20] ET: 4
[10:20] SS: You're ztill an azzhole.
-- sadisticSylph's [SS's] computer exploded--
[10:24] ET: I kn(..)w.
-- eldritchTransmission [ET] ceased pestering sadisticSylph [SS] at 22:24 --
[09:10] ET: FISHBL(..)(..)D!!! WHAT IN THE UNH(..)LY NAME (..)F MANT(..)R(..)K HAVE Y(..)U D(..)NE!?!?!?
[09:10] SS: Excuze me?
[09:11] SS: I don't zee why you're zpeaking zo harzhly to me.
[09:11] ET: Y(..)u, and this g(..)d f(..)rsaken game may have d(..)(..)med the entire planet!
[09:12] SS: There'z no 'may' about it.
[09:12] SS: The planet iz indeed doomed.
[09:12] ET: (..)h l(..)vely.
[09:12] SS: It waz all out of my handz.
[09:12] ET: I'll make this brief.
[09:12] SS: That'z unlikely.
[09:12] ET: I've been c(..)ntacted by the dark g(..)ds.
[09:13] ET: They t(..)ld me that I must enter the sessi(..)n in (..)rder t(..) live.
[09:13] SS: Thiz iz true.
[09:14] SS: Although I doubt the veracity of many of their other ztatementz.
[09:14] ET: S(..) I need t(..) kn(..)w wh(..) I am supp(..)sed t(..) c(..)ntact in (..)rder t(..) be inducted int(..) this farce.
[09:14] SS: That would be me.
[09:15] ET: G(..)(..)d, send me the pr(..)gram.
[09:15] SS: You will be Kyanaz' zerver player.
[09:15] SS: Doez thiz zuit you?
[09:15] ET: Yes that is fine, n(..)w HURRY.
[09:15] SS: Might I azk you not to prezume to command me?
[09:15] SS: I am, after all, a 'fizhblood'
[09:16] SS: And we 'fizhbloodz' do not take kindly to orderz.
[09:17] ET: I d(..)n't take kindly t(..) them myself, n(..)w will y(..)u kindly sh(..)ve that arr(..)gant crap up y(..)ur bl(..)wh(..)le and SEND ME THE PR(..)GRAM!
[09:18] SS: Very well then.
[03:33] -- sadisticSylph [SS] sent file sgrub.exe to eldritchTransmission [ET] at 15:33 --
[09:18] ET: G(..)(..)d.
[09:18] SS: That iz the zerver program
[09:18] SS: You will run it when I inztruct you to.
[09:18] SS: Not before.
[09:18] SS: If you did, it would doom uz further.
[09:19] SS: Once you have gotten Kyanaz into the Medium, I will zend you the client program.
[09:19] SS: You will need to zelect a zerver player.
[09:20] SS: I believe that Ztebia zhowed an interezt in filling that zlot for you?
[09:21] ET: That's fine. Y(..)u sh(..)uld send me the client pr(..)gram n(..)w thr(..)ugh.
[09:21] SS: Very well.
[03:33] -- sadisticSylph [SS] sent file sgrubclient.exe to eldritchTransmission [ET] at 15:33 --
[09:21] SS: Again, you muzt not run that until it iz time.
[09:21] SS: Proper order of thingz iz ezzential to our zuccezz.
[09:22] ET: (..)k, h(..)w d(..) y(..)u kn(..)w this?
[09:22] SS: I juzt know thingz.
[09:22] SS: You aren't the only one with zourcez.
[09:22] SS: Although mine are doubtlezz more reputable than yourz.
[09:23] ET: N(..)t g(..)(..)d en(..)ugh.
[09:23] ET: Tell me.
[09:23] SS: Excuze me?
[09:23] ET: Tell me what y(..)ur "s(..)urces" are.
[09:24] SS: That zounded an awful lot like an order.
[09:25] ET: I d(..)n't care if it s(..)unded like a muscle beast str(..)king his massive b(..)ne-bulge, n(..)w tell me what these well inf(..)rmed "s(..)rces" are.
[09:25] SS: That waz needlezzly graphic.
[09:26] ET: I'm a bit sh(..)rt t(..)day.
[09:26] SS: I've noticed.
[09:26] SS: But I zuppoze you have a right to know.
[09:26] SS: Zeeing az you are of the next highezt blood in the party that I know of.
[09:26] SS: I know thingz from my dreamz.
[09:27] ET: Finally s(..)mething that makes sense.
[09:27] SS: That makez zenze to you?
[09:27] SS: Ztrange.
[09:27] ET: Yes, I learn things fr(..)m my dreams als(..).
[09:27] SS: Really?
[09:28] SS: Interezting.
[09:28] SS: That zeemz unlikely
[09:28] SS: Have you awoken, then?
[09:28] ET: Hm?
[09:28] SS: On Prozpit.
[09:28] SS: The golden city?
[09:29] SS: How elze would you get dream-information?
[09:29] ET: What are y(..)u talking ab(..)ut?
[09:29] SS: Hmm.
[09:29] SS: Odd.
[09:29] ET: I already menti(..)ned that my kn(..)wledge c(..)mes fr(..)m the dark g(..)ds.
[09:29] SS: And I may not have mentioned thiz, but I do not believe in zaid dark godz.
[09:30] SS: Az far az I can tell, they are about az real az fairiez.
[09:30] ET: Believe me. They are very much real.
[09:31] SS: I will continue to be zkeptical until evidence prezentz itzelf to the contrary.
[09:32] SS: But go about your life az you will, I will not ztop you from believing in imaginary thingz.
[09:32] SS: Even if it doez not befit one of your blood.
[09:32] ET: L(..)(..)k.
[09:33] ET: Lets get (..)ne thing perfectly clear.
[09:34] ET: I d(..)n't give a damn ab(..)ut the hem(..)spectrum.
[09:34] SS: That'z ridiculouz.
[09:35] ET: If I have t(..) hear (..)ne m(..)re thing ab(..)ut bl(..)(..)d c(..)l(..)r, I will literally g(..) insane with murder frenzy.
[09:35] SS: I don't doubt that.
[09:35] SS: But the hemozpectrum givez ztructure to our zociety.
[09:36] SS: You may not like it, but it makez logical zenze.
[09:37] ET: The hem(..)spectrum am(..)unts t(..) a bunch (..)f grubs arguing (..)ver their fav(..)rite c(..)l(..)r, and which (..)ne is better than the (..)thers.
[09:37] SS: That iz the dumbezt thing I've ever heard.
[09:37] SS: There are appreciable differencez between the blood colorz.
[09:37] ET: It just s(..) happens that the purple bl(..)(..)ds live l(..)nger.
[09:38] SS: We can alzo breathe underwater.
[09:38] SS: Which you cannot do.
[09:38] ET: Wanna bet.
[09:38] SS: Actually, yez.
[09:38] SS: Becauze I am fairly zure that you are bluffing.
[09:39] ET: (..)h believe me, I have m(..)re than a few tricks in my arsenal.
[09:39] SS: Mmhmm.
[09:39] SS: Fazcinating, I'm zure.
[09:40] ET: Speaking (..)f tricks, is this the (..)nly c(..)mputer that y(..)u (..)wn?
[09:40] SS: No.
[09:40] SS: Are you going to blow it up?
[09:40] ET: Ah, y(..)u heard ab(..)ut that?
[09:40] SS: Of courze.
[09:41] ET: Stebia?
[09:41] SS: Yez.
[09:41] ET: (..)f c(..)urse.
[09:41] SS: And I can zee why you might be prejudiced againzt 'fizhbloodz'
[09:41] SS: But really, that perzon waz rather the exception.
[09:43] ET: Sure, y(..)u tell y(..)uself that.
[09:43] SS: Oh look.
[09:43] SS: Prejudice!
[09:43] SS: Hypocrite.
[09:55] ET: Hey, at least I'm prejudiced against the end (..)f the hem(..)spectru that r(..)utinely slaughters vast am(..)unts (..)f (..)ther tr(..)lls f(..)r petty p(..)litics!
[09:55] SS: Oh hey! Look!
[09:55] SS: More generalization!
[09:55] SS: Awezome!!
[09:56] SS: Like your end hazn't done the zame?
[09:56] SS: You are about two zhadez away from me and you know it.
[09:56] SS: Don't act like bluebloodz haven't killed lowbloodz before.
[09:58] ET: An(..)ther interesting thing that I realize is this. Bluebl(..)(..)ds are just as massive n(..)(..)k sniffers as the purples.
[09:58] SS: Well at leazt you're conziztent.
[09:59] SS: Even if- zurprize zurprize- you're ztill being incredibly biazed!
[09:59] ET: (..)h, and w(..)uld y(..)u like s(..)me specifics t(..) back up my generalizati(..)n?
[09:59] SS: Oh yez pleaze!
[10:00] SS: Becauze I don't have enough t worry about tonight, what with METEORZ and all
[10:00] SS: Pleaze, continue!
[10:04] ET: Give me a m(..)ment, I need t(..) capchal(..)gue several hundered t(..)mes detailing the purges (..)f the l(..)wbl(..)(..)ds, the petty p(..)litical spats that ended in wars, t(..)rture techniques, and (..)ther miscellani(..)us atr(..)cities.
[10:04] SS: Yez, all of thoze thingz happened.
[10:04] SS: Iz it ztill fair to apply that to me?
[10:04] ET: N(..) seri(..)usly.
[10:04] ET: Give me a m(..)ment.
[10:05] SS: No, zeriouzly.
[10:05] SS: You're an idiot.
[10:05] ET: (..)k, back. N(..)w d(..) y(..)u want the b(..)(..)ks (..)ne at a time, (..)r all t(..)gether?
[10:06] SS: No, I do believe I'll pazz.
[10:06] SS: Tell me, why do you not believe that lowbloodz are inferior?
[10:06] SS: Zpecifically.
[10:07] ET: I d(..)n't know whether the l(..)wbl(..)(..)ds are inferi(..)r (..)r n(..)t.
[10:07] SS: Interezting.
[10:08] ET: I am simply saying that the highbl(..)(..)ds are a bunch (..)f murder(..)us jackasses.
[10:09] SS: Again, interezting.
[10:09] SS: Zo to zummarize:
[10:09] SS: You are applying all of thiz to me
[10:09] SS: And azzuming that I, a 'fizhblood,' am a murderouz 'jackazz'
[10:09] SS: Who iz alzo a prejudiced bulgewhiffer
[10:10] SS: And who hatez all lowbloodz
[10:10] SS: Completely ignoring the fact that my bezt friend iz about az low on the hemozpectrum az you can get?
[10:10] ET: By J(..)ve she can be taught!
[10:10] SS: Clearly your logic will be a valuable addition to the team!
[10:11] SS: My goodnezz, you zhould clearly be the leader of thiz enterprize
[10:11] ET: (..)h g(..)d n(..).
[10:11] SS: Your combination of amazing obzervatorial zkillz and dubiouz zourcez will zurely lead uz to victory!
[10:11] SS: Yez, let'z all have a round of applauze for the mozt reazonable troll in all of Alternia.
[10:11] SS: That waz zarcazm, in caze you couldn't tell.
[10:11] SS: Azzhat.
[10:14] ET: First (..)ff I never said that I wanted t(..) lead any(..)ne.
[10:15] SS: REALLY.
[10:15] SS: I HAD NO IDEA.
[10:15] ET: I have n(..) desire t(..) deal with the band (..)f tr(..)lls that has assembled t(..) play.
[10:17] ET: At first I was simply d(..)ing it as a fav(..)r t(..) a friend. N(..)w, it has bec(..)me a means (..)f survival.
[10:17] ET: And I intend t(..) survive.
[10:17] SS: Wonderful!
[10:17] SS: Do you know what the bezt way to zurvive would be?
[10:18] SS: Would you like for me to tell you?
[10:19] ET: D(..)es it inv(..)lve destr(..)ying y(..)ur c(..)mputer? Because that is what I'm ab(..)ut t(..) d(..).
[10:19] SS: Nope.
[10:19] SS: It involvez
[10:19] SS: And lizten clozely here
[10:19] SS: Becauze I do not want it to ezcape your profound obzervational zkillz
[10:19] SS: Nor your vazt intellect
[10:20] SS: It'z quite zimple, really.
[10:20] SS: Zo perhapz you could work on that.
[10:20] ET: Uh huh, n(..)w c(..)unt al(..)ng with me.
[10:20] ET: 1
[10:20] ET: 2
[10:20] ET: 3
[10:20] ET: 4
[10:20] SS: You're ztill an azzhole.
-- sadisticSylph's [SS's] computer exploded--
[10:24] ET: I kn(..)w.
-- eldritchTransmission [ET] ceased pestering sadisticSylph [SS] at 22:24 --