Post by salientStrategist on Nov 25, 2011 20:57:35 GMT -6
In which Kyanas and Aruale speak about hives, rebellions, mystery trolls, and Law of Ascension. Especially noted is Kyanas's inability to take the revolution seriously. Also noted is the cluelessness of the players of the game.
-- anonymousWavelength [AW] began pestering salientStrategist [SS] at 20:11 --
[08:15] AW: hey kyanars
[08:15] SS: Hi Aruale
[08:16] AW: what's up?
[08:16] AW: you ready for the game?
[08:16] SS: I am, actuallyy. It took less time than I budgeted for.
[08:16] AW: you budget your time?
[08:17] AW: somebody's a strategy freak
[08:17] AW: :P
[08:17] SS: Do yyou think to yyourself "I need to get these things done before dayybreak. How long will theyy take and do I have time for breaks?"?
[08:18] AW: nope.
[08:18] AW: i jurst ro)) with it.
[08:18] SS: I don't believe yyou.
[08:18] AW: who hars time for p)anning?
[08:18] SS: ... Me.
[08:18] AW: i have to feed my )ursurs, and that's the on)y thing that takers up a set amount of time
[08:18] AW: i ursua))y pro(rarstinate ars mu(h ars porssib)e
[08:19] AW: and you on)y have time be(aurse your )ursurs irs norma)
[08:19] AW: some tro))s have a)) the )u(k.
[08:19] SS: I have to weed and harvest and plant grain, and I also hunt.
[08:19] AW: yeah, and there irs the se(ond point
[08:19] AW: who doers farming anymore?
[08:20] SS: I enjoyy eating cereal, thank yyou.
[08:20] AW: you're weird, even for a tro)).
[08:20] AW: not )ike i (an ta)k, but sti))
[08:20] AW: in fa(t, a)) our friends are weird
[08:20] SS: Everyyone is weird, because there is no normal
[08:20] AW: you and your proverbs again
[08:21] AW: i think somewhere there irs a norma) tro)) who doersn't have to dea) with (razy stupid stuff )ike we do
[08:21] AW: )aw of probabi)ity.
[08:21] SS: I highlyy doubt that.
[08:21] SS: There might be a perfectlyy normal troll out there
[08:22] SS: But he or she would be average, not 'normal'
[08:22] AW: what's the differen(e?
[08:23] SS: Normal is suubjective: for instance, I might saayy that farming and hunting is normal, while yyou saayy it is abnormal.
[08:23] SS: Average is about math.
[08:23] AW: yeah, be(aurse it requirers too mu(h effort
[08:23] AW: you (ontinue to make )erss sense
[08:24] AW: again, not )ike i (an ta)k
[08:24] SS: Not like anyyone can talk, based on what I just saaid. But I digress.
[08:24] SS: Do yyou know when the game is suupposed to start?
[08:25] AW: nope.
[08:25] AW: that's )erena's job
[08:25] AW: i'm going to be the 'first in' apparent)y
[08:25] SS: How can no one know but her?
[08:25] AW: whatever that means
[08:25] AW: i think she made the game up or something
[08:25] AW: she's definite)y the on)y one who knows anything
[08:26] AW: i have no idea.
[08:26] SS: I hate not knowing the full picture. It irks me.
[08:26] AW: pfft.
[08:26] AW: you murst be the on)y tro)) who says 'irks'
[08:26] AW: and i know that fee)ing
[08:26] AW: )erena (an be a (agey broad sometimers
[08:27] AW: )ike her so-(a))ed 'sour(ers'
[08:27] SS: I can't be the onlyy troll who saayys it, because yyou knew what it meant.
[08:27] AW: no, i know it be(aurse shut up.
[08:27] SS: And Isaard and his "sources"
[08:27] AW: he hars sour(ers now too?
[08:28] AW: ugh.
[08:28] AW: do they te)) him what's about to happen and stuff too?
[08:28] SS: And weird dreams, according to Stebia. I don't know about that though.
[08:28] AW: )erena hars spe(ia) dreams too apparent)y.
[08:29] AW: thorse two are extra weird.
[08:29] AW: do you have some sort of strategy for the game yet?
[08:29] SS: I don't even know what the game is about. How can I have a strategyy?
[08:30] AW: be(aurse you have a strategy for everything
[08:30] AW: you have a strategy for the optima) way to brursh your fangs in the morning
[08:30] AW: you have a strategy for putting your ()others on in the morst effi(ient way porssib)e
[08:31] AW: so of (ourse you have a strategy for a game that wi)), and i quote, 'save tro))kind'
[08:31] SS: I will make veryy carefullyy to avoid answering the former two statements.
[08:32] AW: proof that you do have strategiers for thorse things.
[08:32] SS: That is new information to me.
[08:32] AW: yeah, it weirded me out
[08:32] SS: Who'd yyou hear it from?
[08:32] AW: )erena
[08:32] SS: Lerena?
[08:32] AW: of (ourse
[08:32] SS: Ah
[08:32] SS: I see
[08:32] AW: it's a)so supporsed to derstroy the wor)d
[08:33] AW: whi(h seems (ounter to the other thing
[08:33] AW: but what do i know?
[08:33] AW: i think she's jurst taking it too seriours)y.
[08:33] SS: There are more trolls than just the ones on Alternia
[08:33] AW: we)) yeah
[08:33] AW: you')) have to bring that up with her
[08:33] SS: And besiides, lots of games have yyou saave the world, but onlyy the world in the game.
[08:34] AW: again, i have no idea.
[08:34] AW: a)though i probab)y shou)d have some idea of what i'm getting into, sin(e i')) be the 'first in' and a))
[08:34] AW: and again, whatever that means.
[08:35] SS: Probablyy yyou'll be second in command or something.
[08:35] AW: sounds good
[08:35] SS: Games start with a Playyer 1, right?
[08:35] AW: i guerss
[08:35] SS: So yyou'll be Playyer 2
[08:35] AW: so who's p)ayer 1?
[08:36] SS: Well Lerena, I assuume.
[08:36] AW: i guerss
[08:36] AW: who even knows with her.
[08:37] AW: have you ta)ked to anyone e)se about the game yet?
[08:37] SS: YYeah, Isaard and Stebia both.
[08:37] AW: oh (oo), they're awake
[08:37] AW: how are they?
[08:37] AW: i bet stebia wars EX(--ITED
[08:37] AW: ars ursua)
[08:38] SS: Theyy're fine, I suuppose. Neither had anyy idea what the game was about
[08:38] AW: of (ourse.
[08:38] SS: Although Stebia is bringing a 'myysteryy friend' in to the game.
[08:38] AW: i wirsh )erena wou)d get on)ine, i need to arsk her what the he(k's going to happen
[08:38] AW: mystery friend?
[08:38] AW: hmm.
[08:39] AW: do you know anything about thirs tro))?
[08:39] SS: All I know about him is that he is male and lives in the saame cave syystem as Stebia
[08:39] AW: huh
[08:39] AW: i thought she wars the on)y one in that system
[08:39] SS: Which was previouslyy inhabited onlyy be Stebia, exactlyy
[08:40] AW: seriours)y, who e)se )ivers in (avers?
[08:40] SS: People who like rocks, I guess.
[08:40] AW: i guerss
[08:40] AW: you know, you never to)d me
[08:40] AW: where's your hive?
[08:40] SS: In a tree.
[08:40] AW: (oo)
[08:40] AW: sounds sophirsti(ated
[08:41] SS: Ha, no. Myy hive stunted the tree's growth so now it's short and has lots of branches.
[08:41] AW: huh
[08:41] AW: we)), it's sti)) pretty (oo).
[08:42] AW: i )ive by a )ake
[08:42] AW: i wou)d have to.
[08:42] AW: stupid goddamned )ursurs (an't feed himse)f
[08:42] AW: so high maitenan(e
[08:42] SS: That sounds cool. YYou probablyy don't have to hunt nearlyy as much as I do, yyou can just fish.
[08:42] AW: yeah, it's pretty great
[08:43] AW: i (an jurst firsh off my por(h into the river
[08:43] AW: i'm not a))owed to firsh into the )ake anymore
[08:43] SS: Whyy not?
[08:43] AW: don't want to give )erena any more pier(ings than she a)ready hars.
[08:43] AW: she )ivers there with her )ursurs
[08:43] AW: that's how i met her
[08:43] AW: i wars firshing and her fin got snagged on my hook
[08:44] AW: she wars pretty pirssed.
[08:44] SS: Wow, that's a coincidence. Onlyy a veryy small minorityy of seadwellers live in lakes, I think I read that somewhere.
[08:45] AW: yeah, she's not a very typi(a) seadwe))er
[08:45] SS: Sounds like a great wayy to start a friendship.
[08:45] AW: yeah, it wars
[08:45] AW: we fought it out
[08:45] AW: and then we rea(hed a mutua) agreement
[08:45] SS: Not literallyy, I hope
[08:45] AW: )itera))y.
[08:46] AW: she (an pa(k a pun(h
[08:46] AW: i )ike to think i wars winning, though
[08:46] AW: we tied.
[08:46] SS: Nice.
[08:46] AW: he)) yers.
[08:46] AW: rurstb)oods (an ki(k a seadwe))er's arss anynight.
[08:47] AW: she's not a norma) seadwe))er, though.
[08:47] AW: sin(e she hangs out with me and a))
[08:48] SS: YYeah, i would guess so.
[08:48] AW: she's pretty (oo)
[08:48] AW: i')) make sure she's okay when the rebe))ion begins.
[08:51] SS: Do yyou reallyy think yyou can affect the wayy things have been for millennia?
[08:51] AW: yers.
[08:51] AW: why not?
[08:51] AW: there are pre(endents.
[08:52] SS: Precedents that failed.
[08:52] SS: But I don't reallyy want to make yyou mad.
[08:52] AW: no, it's okay
[08:52] AW: i'm ursed to naysayers by now
[08:52] AW: what you said wars porsitive)y en(ouraging (ompared to some things i've heard
[08:53] SS: I'm suure yyou get alot of that
[08:53] AW: yeah.
[08:53] AW: bersiders, the o)d rebe))ions weren't ars advantaged ars we are
[08:54] AW: they didn't have an interp)anetary way of (ommuni(ation
[08:54] AW: whi(h we do
[08:54] SS: The invention of the Internet changed alot of things
[08:54] AW: sure did
[08:54] AW: makers it earsier to spread our merssage
[08:54] AW: but a)so earsier to find the haters
[08:54] AW: of whi(h there are many
[08:54] AW: sad)y
[08:55] AW: there's a )ot of rurstb)oods who don't be)ieve in urs, too
[08:55] AW: it's sort of dirs(ouraging
[08:55] SS: I mean, yyou can count on a majorityy of the highbloods to hate yyour cause. And then yyou have the people that don't care. And then yyou have the skeptical ones. And then yyou have the lazyy ones.
[08:56] AW: exa(t)y.
[08:56] AW: but many of thorse (an be (hanged
[08:56] AW: the )azy and apatheti( oners (an be spurred to a(tion
[08:56] AW: a)) they need irs something to stir them up
[08:56] AW: )ike an agitator
[08:56] SS: YYeah
[08:57] SS: That theyy do.
[08:57] AW: whi(h are you?
[08:57] AW: skepti(a)?
[08:58] SS: YYes. I haven't seen much momentum in the movement (not on the relativelyy bright and shinyy corners of the internet I stick to).
[08:58] AW: i bet
[08:58] AW: we're sti)) pi(king up speed
[08:58] AW: but given a few sweeps, we')) be good
[08:58] AW: we've got some good peop)e in the movement
[08:59] AW: even some midd)e b)oods who seem sympatheti(
[09:00] AW: wou)d you support urs if you be)ieved we (ou)d do it?
[09:00] SS: I don't know.
[09:00] AW: that's not an answer.
[09:00] AW: if you're not with urs, you might ars we)) be against urs
[09:00] AW: wou)d you or wou)dn't you?
[09:00] SS: I think, if yyou could convert the kids, yyou could get the Spiral Arm. But anyywhere the Empress is will still be fullyy against yyou.
[09:01] AW: yeah
[09:01] AW: but i think we (ou)d dea) with the emprerss
[09:01] AW: maybe get whoever's next in )ine to sympathize with urs
[09:02] SS: ...Wait, did I just hear yyou saayy that?
[09:02] AW: yeah.
[09:02] AW: so?
[09:02] SS: 'Deal with the Empress'?
[09:02] AW: yeah.
[09:02] AW: we (ou)d hand)e her
[09:02] SS: Do yyou know how the Empress hands down her crown?
[09:03] AW: nope.
[09:03] AW: death?
[09:04] SS: She fights the person who is next in line. If she wins, she gets to keep being Empress. If she loses, the next person in line gets to rule.
[09:04] AW: i a)ways jurst figured she died, the next emprerss gets the (rown and the empire.
[09:04] AW: huh
[09:04] AW: we)), she (an't win forever
[09:04] AW: bersiders, she's too far away from urs to mean anything right now
[09:04] AW: she's thoursands of )ight-years away
[09:05] AW: maybe even mi))ions
[09:05] AW: she won't hear about the revo)ution unti) it's too )ate
[09:05] AW: by that time we')) have the homewor)d
[09:05] AW: and the heirerss
[09:05] AW: and by extension her tenta()ey monster thing
[09:05] AW: so i think we (an hand)e it
[09:06] SS: I'm saayying the heiress is going to be more powerful than the Empress
[09:06] AW: we)) good
[09:06] SS: And she is a highblood.
[09:06] AW: we')) jurst get her on our side and we')) be fine.
[09:06] SS: YYou admitted yyourself that onlyy a few midbloods suupport yyour cause.
[09:06] AW: or ho)d her horstage
[09:07] AW: yeah, but that's now
[09:07] AW: we (an win them over
[09:07] AW: we have to
[09:07] AW: bersiders, there's more of urs then them
[09:07] AW: and )ots of rurstb)oods have powers or something
[09:07] AW: so we')) be fine
[09:07] SS: Alright. I will stop asking yyou quuestions, and yyou will stop telling me plans that make no sense. Deal?
[09:08] AW: my p)ans make tons of sense
[09:08] AW: but dea)
[09:08] AW: i have to go now, my )ursurs irs a(ting up
[09:08] AW: bye.
[09:08] SS: Byye.
-- anonymousWavelength [AW] ceased pestering salientStrategist [SS] at 21:08 --
-- anonymousWavelength [AW] began pestering salientStrategist [SS] at 20:11 --
[08:15] AW: hey kyanars
[08:15] SS: Hi Aruale
[08:16] AW: what's up?
[08:16] AW: you ready for the game?
[08:16] SS: I am, actuallyy. It took less time than I budgeted for.
[08:16] AW: you budget your time?
[08:17] AW: somebody's a strategy freak
[08:17] AW: :P
[08:17] SS: Do yyou think to yyourself "I need to get these things done before dayybreak. How long will theyy take and do I have time for breaks?"?
[08:18] AW: nope.
[08:18] AW: i jurst ro)) with it.
[08:18] SS: I don't believe yyou.
[08:18] AW: who hars time for p)anning?
[08:18] SS: ... Me.
[08:18] AW: i have to feed my )ursurs, and that's the on)y thing that takers up a set amount of time
[08:18] AW: i ursua))y pro(rarstinate ars mu(h ars porssib)e
[08:19] AW: and you on)y have time be(aurse your )ursurs irs norma)
[08:19] AW: some tro))s have a)) the )u(k.
[08:19] SS: I have to weed and harvest and plant grain, and I also hunt.
[08:19] AW: yeah, and there irs the se(ond point
[08:19] AW: who doers farming anymore?
[08:20] SS: I enjoyy eating cereal, thank yyou.
[08:20] AW: you're weird, even for a tro)).
[08:20] AW: not )ike i (an ta)k, but sti))
[08:20] AW: in fa(t, a)) our friends are weird
[08:20] SS: Everyyone is weird, because there is no normal
[08:20] AW: you and your proverbs again
[08:21] AW: i think somewhere there irs a norma) tro)) who doersn't have to dea) with (razy stupid stuff )ike we do
[08:21] AW: )aw of probabi)ity.
[08:21] SS: I highlyy doubt that.
[08:21] SS: There might be a perfectlyy normal troll out there
[08:22] SS: But he or she would be average, not 'normal'
[08:22] AW: what's the differen(e?
[08:23] SS: Normal is suubjective: for instance, I might saayy that farming and hunting is normal, while yyou saayy it is abnormal.
[08:23] SS: Average is about math.
[08:23] AW: yeah, be(aurse it requirers too mu(h effort
[08:23] AW: you (ontinue to make )erss sense
[08:24] AW: again, not )ike i (an ta)k
[08:24] SS: Not like anyyone can talk, based on what I just saaid. But I digress.
[08:24] SS: Do yyou know when the game is suupposed to start?
[08:25] AW: nope.
[08:25] AW: that's )erena's job
[08:25] AW: i'm going to be the 'first in' apparent)y
[08:25] SS: How can no one know but her?
[08:25] AW: whatever that means
[08:25] AW: i think she made the game up or something
[08:25] AW: she's definite)y the on)y one who knows anything
[08:26] AW: i have no idea.
[08:26] SS: I hate not knowing the full picture. It irks me.
[08:26] AW: pfft.
[08:26] AW: you murst be the on)y tro)) who says 'irks'
[08:26] AW: and i know that fee)ing
[08:26] AW: )erena (an be a (agey broad sometimers
[08:27] AW: )ike her so-(a))ed 'sour(ers'
[08:27] SS: I can't be the onlyy troll who saayys it, because yyou knew what it meant.
[08:27] AW: no, i know it be(aurse shut up.
[08:27] SS: And Isaard and his "sources"
[08:27] AW: he hars sour(ers now too?
[08:28] AW: ugh.
[08:28] AW: do they te)) him what's about to happen and stuff too?
[08:28] SS: And weird dreams, according to Stebia. I don't know about that though.
[08:28] AW: )erena hars spe(ia) dreams too apparent)y.
[08:29] AW: thorse two are extra weird.
[08:29] AW: do you have some sort of strategy for the game yet?
[08:29] SS: I don't even know what the game is about. How can I have a strategyy?
[08:30] AW: be(aurse you have a strategy for everything
[08:30] AW: you have a strategy for the optima) way to brursh your fangs in the morning
[08:30] AW: you have a strategy for putting your ()others on in the morst effi(ient way porssib)e
[08:31] AW: so of (ourse you have a strategy for a game that wi)), and i quote, 'save tro))kind'
[08:31] SS: I will make veryy carefullyy to avoid answering the former two statements.
[08:32] AW: proof that you do have strategiers for thorse things.
[08:32] SS: That is new information to me.
[08:32] AW: yeah, it weirded me out
[08:32] SS: Who'd yyou hear it from?
[08:32] AW: )erena
[08:32] SS: Lerena?
[08:32] AW: of (ourse
[08:32] SS: Ah
[08:32] SS: I see
[08:32] AW: it's a)so supporsed to derstroy the wor)d
[08:33] AW: whi(h seems (ounter to the other thing
[08:33] AW: but what do i know?
[08:33] AW: i think she's jurst taking it too seriours)y.
[08:33] SS: There are more trolls than just the ones on Alternia
[08:33] AW: we)) yeah
[08:33] AW: you')) have to bring that up with her
[08:33] SS: And besiides, lots of games have yyou saave the world, but onlyy the world in the game.
[08:34] AW: again, i have no idea.
[08:34] AW: a)though i probab)y shou)d have some idea of what i'm getting into, sin(e i')) be the 'first in' and a))
[08:34] AW: and again, whatever that means.
[08:35] SS: Probablyy yyou'll be second in command or something.
[08:35] AW: sounds good
[08:35] SS: Games start with a Playyer 1, right?
[08:35] AW: i guerss
[08:35] SS: So yyou'll be Playyer 2
[08:35] AW: so who's p)ayer 1?
[08:36] SS: Well Lerena, I assuume.
[08:36] AW: i guerss
[08:36] AW: who even knows with her.
[08:37] AW: have you ta)ked to anyone e)se about the game yet?
[08:37] SS: YYeah, Isaard and Stebia both.
[08:37] AW: oh (oo), they're awake
[08:37] AW: how are they?
[08:37] AW: i bet stebia wars EX(--ITED
[08:37] AW: ars ursua)
[08:38] SS: Theyy're fine, I suuppose. Neither had anyy idea what the game was about
[08:38] AW: of (ourse.
[08:38] SS: Although Stebia is bringing a 'myysteryy friend' in to the game.
[08:38] AW: i wirsh )erena wou)d get on)ine, i need to arsk her what the he(k's going to happen
[08:38] AW: mystery friend?
[08:38] AW: hmm.
[08:39] AW: do you know anything about thirs tro))?
[08:39] SS: All I know about him is that he is male and lives in the saame cave syystem as Stebia
[08:39] AW: huh
[08:39] AW: i thought she wars the on)y one in that system
[08:39] SS: Which was previouslyy inhabited onlyy be Stebia, exactlyy
[08:40] AW: seriours)y, who e)se )ivers in (avers?
[08:40] SS: People who like rocks, I guess.
[08:40] AW: i guerss
[08:40] AW: you know, you never to)d me
[08:40] AW: where's your hive?
[08:40] SS: In a tree.
[08:40] AW: (oo)
[08:40] AW: sounds sophirsti(ated
[08:41] SS: Ha, no. Myy hive stunted the tree's growth so now it's short and has lots of branches.
[08:41] AW: huh
[08:41] AW: we)), it's sti)) pretty (oo).
[08:42] AW: i )ive by a )ake
[08:42] AW: i wou)d have to.
[08:42] AW: stupid goddamned )ursurs (an't feed himse)f
[08:42] AW: so high maitenan(e
[08:42] SS: That sounds cool. YYou probablyy don't have to hunt nearlyy as much as I do, yyou can just fish.
[08:42] AW: yeah, it's pretty great
[08:43] AW: i (an jurst firsh off my por(h into the river
[08:43] AW: i'm not a))owed to firsh into the )ake anymore
[08:43] SS: Whyy not?
[08:43] AW: don't want to give )erena any more pier(ings than she a)ready hars.
[08:43] AW: she )ivers there with her )ursurs
[08:43] AW: that's how i met her
[08:43] AW: i wars firshing and her fin got snagged on my hook
[08:44] AW: she wars pretty pirssed.
[08:44] SS: Wow, that's a coincidence. Onlyy a veryy small minorityy of seadwellers live in lakes, I think I read that somewhere.
[08:45] AW: yeah, she's not a very typi(a) seadwe))er
[08:45] SS: Sounds like a great wayy to start a friendship.
[08:45] AW: yeah, it wars
[08:45] AW: we fought it out
[08:45] AW: and then we rea(hed a mutua) agreement
[08:45] SS: Not literallyy, I hope
[08:45] AW: )itera))y.
[08:46] AW: she (an pa(k a pun(h
[08:46] AW: i )ike to think i wars winning, though
[08:46] AW: we tied.
[08:46] SS: Nice.
[08:46] AW: he)) yers.
[08:46] AW: rurstb)oods (an ki(k a seadwe))er's arss anynight.
[08:47] AW: she's not a norma) seadwe))er, though.
[08:47] AW: sin(e she hangs out with me and a))
[08:48] SS: YYeah, i would guess so.
[08:48] AW: she's pretty (oo)
[08:48] AW: i')) make sure she's okay when the rebe))ion begins.
[08:51] SS: Do yyou reallyy think yyou can affect the wayy things have been for millennia?
[08:51] AW: yers.
[08:51] AW: why not?
[08:51] AW: there are pre(endents.
[08:52] SS: Precedents that failed.
[08:52] SS: But I don't reallyy want to make yyou mad.
[08:52] AW: no, it's okay
[08:52] AW: i'm ursed to naysayers by now
[08:52] AW: what you said wars porsitive)y en(ouraging (ompared to some things i've heard
[08:53] SS: I'm suure yyou get alot of that
[08:53] AW: yeah.
[08:53] AW: bersiders, the o)d rebe))ions weren't ars advantaged ars we are
[08:54] AW: they didn't have an interp)anetary way of (ommuni(ation
[08:54] AW: whi(h we do
[08:54] SS: The invention of the Internet changed alot of things
[08:54] AW: sure did
[08:54] AW: makers it earsier to spread our merssage
[08:54] AW: but a)so earsier to find the haters
[08:54] AW: of whi(h there are many
[08:54] AW: sad)y
[08:55] AW: there's a )ot of rurstb)oods who don't be)ieve in urs, too
[08:55] AW: it's sort of dirs(ouraging
[08:55] SS: I mean, yyou can count on a majorityy of the highbloods to hate yyour cause. And then yyou have the people that don't care. And then yyou have the skeptical ones. And then yyou have the lazyy ones.
[08:56] AW: exa(t)y.
[08:56] AW: but many of thorse (an be (hanged
[08:56] AW: the )azy and apatheti( oners (an be spurred to a(tion
[08:56] AW: a)) they need irs something to stir them up
[08:56] AW: )ike an agitator
[08:56] SS: YYeah
[08:57] SS: That theyy do.
[08:57] AW: whi(h are you?
[08:57] AW: skepti(a)?
[08:58] SS: YYes. I haven't seen much momentum in the movement (not on the relativelyy bright and shinyy corners of the internet I stick to).
[08:58] AW: i bet
[08:58] AW: we're sti)) pi(king up speed
[08:58] AW: but given a few sweeps, we')) be good
[08:58] AW: we've got some good peop)e in the movement
[08:59] AW: even some midd)e b)oods who seem sympatheti(
[09:00] AW: wou)d you support urs if you be)ieved we (ou)d do it?
[09:00] SS: I don't know.
[09:00] AW: that's not an answer.
[09:00] AW: if you're not with urs, you might ars we)) be against urs
[09:00] AW: wou)d you or wou)dn't you?
[09:00] SS: I think, if yyou could convert the kids, yyou could get the Spiral Arm. But anyywhere the Empress is will still be fullyy against yyou.
[09:01] AW: yeah
[09:01] AW: but i think we (ou)d dea) with the emprerss
[09:01] AW: maybe get whoever's next in )ine to sympathize with urs
[09:02] SS: ...Wait, did I just hear yyou saayy that?
[09:02] AW: yeah.
[09:02] AW: so?
[09:02] SS: 'Deal with the Empress'?
[09:02] AW: yeah.
[09:02] AW: we (ou)d hand)e her
[09:02] SS: Do yyou know how the Empress hands down her crown?
[09:03] AW: nope.
[09:03] AW: death?
[09:04] SS: She fights the person who is next in line. If she wins, she gets to keep being Empress. If she loses, the next person in line gets to rule.
[09:04] AW: i a)ways jurst figured she died, the next emprerss gets the (rown and the empire.
[09:04] AW: huh
[09:04] AW: we)), she (an't win forever
[09:04] AW: bersiders, she's too far away from urs to mean anything right now
[09:04] AW: she's thoursands of )ight-years away
[09:05] AW: maybe even mi))ions
[09:05] AW: she won't hear about the revo)ution unti) it's too )ate
[09:05] AW: by that time we')) have the homewor)d
[09:05] AW: and the heirerss
[09:05] AW: and by extension her tenta()ey monster thing
[09:05] AW: so i think we (an hand)e it
[09:06] SS: I'm saayying the heiress is going to be more powerful than the Empress
[09:06] AW: we)) good
[09:06] SS: And she is a highblood.
[09:06] AW: we')) jurst get her on our side and we')) be fine.
[09:06] SS: YYou admitted yyourself that onlyy a few midbloods suupport yyour cause.
[09:06] AW: or ho)d her horstage
[09:07] AW: yeah, but that's now
[09:07] AW: we (an win them over
[09:07] AW: we have to
[09:07] AW: bersiders, there's more of urs then them
[09:07] AW: and )ots of rurstb)oods have powers or something
[09:07] AW: so we')) be fine
[09:07] SS: Alright. I will stop asking yyou quuestions, and yyou will stop telling me plans that make no sense. Deal?
[09:08] AW: my p)ans make tons of sense
[09:08] AW: but dea)
[09:08] AW: i have to go now, my )ursurs irs a(ting up
[09:08] AW: bye.
[09:08] SS: Byye.
-- anonymousWavelength [AW] ceased pestering salientStrategist [SS] at 21:08 --