Post by Quakerlol on Feb 5, 2012 13:09:11 GMT -6
[12:29] --anonymousWavelength [AW] began pestering naturevsNurture [NN] at 12:29 --
[12:29] AW: hey
[12:29] AW: you okay?
[12:29] NN: Yeah.......
[12:29] AW: (oo)
[12:29] AW: you in your )and?
[12:29] NN: Like..... totally.....
[12:29] AW: sweet
[12:30] AW: what's it )ike?
[12:30] NN: Btw... Mr. Ribbits is like... Awesome....!
[12:30] AW: that's awersome
[12:30] AW: i sti)) (an't be)ieve you named him that.
[12:30] NN: Heh yeah.....
[12:31] NN: Anyway.... my land...?
[12:31] AW: yeah
[12:31] AW: )ike, the p)a(e you are in right now.
[12:32] NN: Oh....It's like.... a little.........
[12:32] NN: .........
[12:32] NN: ..........
[12:32] NN: ........
[12:32] NN: Froggy......
[12:32] AW: uh
[12:32] AW: okay
[12:32] AW: that;s a weird way to ders(ribe a p)anet
[12:33] AW: any other way you (ou)d ders(ribe it that makers any more sense?
[12:33] NN: Man.... if you were here..... you would have been like..... laughing right now....
[12:33] AW: seriours)y.
[12:33] AW: and why irs that
[12:34] NN: It's like.... full of fog and like.... frogs....
[12:34] AW: okay
[12:34] AW: sounds pretty (oo)
[12:35] AW: so why irs mr ribbits so hi)ariours?
[12:35] NN: Yeah.... btw... geddit?
[12:36] NN: Geddit....?
[12:36] AW: i get it.
[12:36] NN: :)
[12:36] NN: ....
[12:36] AW: seen any imps yet?
[12:36] NN: Wha....?
[12:37] AW: therse )itt)e monster things
[12:37] NN: Nah dude.... I haven't seen anything like that....
[12:37] AW: you're )u(ky then
[12:37] AW: they're annoying )itt)e barstards
[12:38] AW: what spe(iburs do you have?
[12:38] NN: Shield kind....
[12:38] AW: huh
[12:38] AW: that's different
[12:38] AW: kinda a weird spe(iburs to have
[12:41] AW: how do you even ki)) things with that?
[12:41] NN: I don't kill things.
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] AW: weird
[12:41] AW: good )u(k )eve)ing up then
[12:41] NN: Like.... at all....
[12:41] AW: i think you have to ki)) stuff to get )eve)s
[12:42] AW: i ()eared out my hive and went way up my e(he)adder
[12:42] NN: Yeah.... I use it becuase of like.... a jade blood legend....
[12:42] AW: that's (oo)
[12:42] AW: i don't know any )egends or stuff
[12:42] AW: what irs it?
[12:43] NN: Well.... most just call it like.... a fairy tale.....
[12:43] AW: haha
[12:43] NN: And fairies aren't real.....
[12:43] AW: that's for sure.
[12:44] AW: te)) me the )egend anyway
[12:44] AW: it sounds interersting
[12:44] NN: Anyway.... there was like.... a time when shit was going down in the mother grub cave....
[12:45] NN: Oh and like.... we're not supposed to like.... talk about that time... but whatever now....
[12:45] NN: Since they can't find us.....
[12:45] AW: we?
[12:45] AW: you ursed to work there?
[12:46] NN: Oh........ crap
[12:46] NN: Did I like....say that?
[12:46] AW: you kinda did
[12:46] AW: it's (oo) though
[12:46] NN: Oh... well I guess I did work there....
[12:47] AW: sweet
[12:47] AW: why'd you )eave?
[12:47] NN: All jade bloods work there.....
[12:47] NN: Reasons....
[12:48] AW: that's okay
[12:48] AW: keep going with the story
[12:49] NN: Anyway.... some trolls like... broke into the cavern....
[12:50] NN: And they were all like..... trying to get at the mother grub........
[12:51] NN: And all the other jadebloods were like..... too scared to do anything....
[12:52] NN: But then this one dude like..... says "No f*ck that, you shall not pass motherf*ckers!"
[12:52] AW: i rea))y hope that wars a dire(t quote
[12:53] NN: He like grabbed this shield and like....... held those douchebags off till like...... reinforcements arived.....
[12:54] NN: He was pretty much awesome in like...... every sense of the word...
[12:55] AW: he sounds pretty awersome
[12:55] NN: Totally awesome........
[12:55] NN: So that's why I like.... use a shield......
[12:55] AW: that's a damn good rearson
[12:55] AW: i don't have a rearson for mine, i jurst )ike f)ai)s
[12:56] AW: they get the job done
[12:56] NN: Flails are cool.....
[12:56] AW: yeah
[12:56] AW: i upgraded the shit out of mine
[12:56] AW: apparent)y thirs game )ets you (ombine obje(ts to make (oo) stuff
[12:57] AW: so i made a (oup)e more weapons
[12:57] AW: they're pretty awersome
[12:57] NN: That's like..... chill
[12:57] AW: super (hi))
[12:57] AW: i a)so made therse sweet hursktop gogg)ers
[12:57] AW: ta)king to you on them right now
[12:58] NN: Sweetness.....
[12:58] AW: yeah
[12:58] AW: i (ou)d dep)oy you a pun(h dersignix right now
[12:58] NN: I like..... have pair of awesome shades myself...
[12:58] AW: so you (ou)d make some sweet stuff
[12:58] AW: seriours)y?
[12:58] AW: ni(e.
[12:58] AW: oh wait
[12:58] AW: shit
[12:58] AW: you don't have enough sha)e
[12:58] NN: What....?
[12:59] AW: you have a fu(k)oad of grirst though
[12:59] NN: Ha...?
[12:59] AW: you're going to need to ki)) some stuff to get sha)e
[12:59] NN: Huh......
[01:00] AW: i dunno, maybe there's another way to get it
[01:00] AW: doubtfu) though
[01:00] NN: You know..... lately I've been thinking.....
[01:00] NN: Maybe a shield like..... just isn't me.....
[01:01] NN: I'm like.... kinda shit at guarding things....
[01:01] AW: hey, you gotta do what you fee) )ike doing.
[01:01] AW: i don't know you we)) enough to know if you're shit at guarding, but do what you think irs right
[01:02] NN: I really wish that I could like..... be all awesome like that one dude....
[01:02] AW: i'm sure you are a p)enty awersome dude.
[01:02] AW: you seem pretty (hi))
[01:02] NN: But..... maybe I'm like not meant for that ya'know....
[01:03] NN: Thanks.....
[01:03] AW: no prob)em
[01:03] AW: and you gotta have a strifekind spe(iburs to swit(h
[01:03] AW: do you have anything e)se?
[01:03] NN: Nah.....
[01:03] AW: )ooks )ike you're stu(k with shie)dkind for now
[01:04] AW: maybe you (an a)(hemize something up )ater
[01:04] NN: I wish there was like..... a way to send other people stuff.....
[01:04] AW: there irs
[01:04] AW: sort of
[01:04] NN: Seriously........?
[01:05] AW: a)) i gotta do irs send you the (apt(ha (ode for something and then you pun(h it into the dersignix and make the shit out of it
[01:05] AW: but you need the dersignix first
[01:05] NN: Man.....
[01:05] AW: wait
[01:05] AW: ho)d on
[01:05] AW: idea
[01:05] AW: i'm gonna send you something
[01:06] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] sent naturevsNurture [NN] the program gristtorrent.exe --
[01:06] AW: run that
[01:06] AW: i (an send you some grirst
[01:06] AW: then you don't have to ki)) stuff
[01:08] -- naturevsNurture [NN] ran gristtorrent.exe --
[01:09] AW: sweet
[01:09] AW: okay, sending you some sha)e now
[01:09] AW: man i have a shit ton of stuff
[01:09] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] sent naturevsNurture [NN] 12 shale --
[01:10] AW: that shou)d be enough
[01:10] NN: Hey.... let me send you something.......
[01:10] AW: sweet
[01:10] NN: CHI11SP3CS
[01:11] AW: that irs the berst damn (apt(ha(ode i have ever seen
[01:11] NN: Those are like.... my special moonglasses....
[01:11] NN: They like..... make it easier to like..... see space....
[01:11] AW: awersome
[01:11] AW: thanks man
[01:12] NN: No prob.....
[01:12] AW: hey, where do you want thirs dersignix dep)oyed?
[01:12] NN: Anywhere... just not on the stalagmites....
[01:12] AW: haha
[01:12] AW: okay dude
[01:13] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] deployed the PUNCH DESIGNIX --
[01:13] NN: Not even joking.... Jerry is still like.... in shock over Carol....
[01:13] AW: jerry
[01:13] AW: dude, you are hi)ariours.
[01:14] AW: and i'm sorry about (aro)
[01:14] NN: Thanks......
[01:14] AW: okay, so here's how the dersignix works
[01:14] AW: what's your fet(h modurs, btw?
[01:14] NN: Inventory.....
[01:15] AW: what irs that?
[01:15] NN: You like.... just get what you want.....
[01:15] AW: what?
[01:15] AW: weird.
[01:16] NN: Yeah.... it's pretty lame.....
[01:16] AW: seriours)y.
[01:16] AW: okay, we)) get a (apt(ha (ard out of it and )ook at the ba(k
[01:16] NN: Kay....
[01:17] AW: pun(h that (ode into the dersignix
[01:17] NN: Ok.....
[01:17] AW: you got a pun(hed (ard?
[01:17] NN: Yup.....
[01:18] AW: a)right
[01:18] AW: remember the stuff you had to do to make the totem?
[01:18] AW: do that.
[01:19] AW: sweet
[01:19] NN: Ok.... I like... got another weird totem thingy....
[01:19] AW: sti(k that motherfu(ker in the a)(hemiter and make stuff.
[01:20] NN: Hmmm... it says I need some like.... mystery stuff.....
[01:20] AW: oh, more grirst?
[01:21] AW: whi(h kinds?
[01:21] NN: Like.... it just shows... a like "?"
[01:21] AW: huh
[01:21] AW: what are you trying to make?
[01:21] NN: .......
[01:21] NN: .......
[01:21] NN: ......
[01:21] NN: .........pie.
[01:22] AW: hahahahahaaaaa
[01:22] AW: dude
[01:22] AW: ni(e
[01:22] AW: i wi)) jurst torrent you some of every kind of grirst i have and maybe that wi)) he)p
[01:22] NN: I was gonna like...... make pie up to the sky....
[01:22] AW: you're awersome, you know that.
[01:23] NN: Then get the whole like.... planet high....
[01:23] AW: duuuuuuuuuuude
[01:23] AW: i am so (oming to your p)anet
[01:24] NN: Sweet.......
[01:24] AW: (an you make it now?
[01:25] NN: Nah man..... it's still missing that like.... special ingredient....
[01:25] AW: dang.
[01:25] NN: That must be what like... makes the pie awesome....
[01:25] AW: definite)y
[01:26] AW: we)), try something e)se then
[01:27] NN: Hmmm..... hang on can I like.... make computer specs?
[01:27] AW: yeah, tota))y
[01:27] AW: a)) you gotta do irs pun(h the (ard for your sweet shaders and the one for your (omputer, then put them both in the s)ot in the totem )athe
[01:28] AW: it')) make some sweet (omputer shaders.
[01:28] NN: Lol.... shaders....
[01:28] AW: shut up
[01:28] NN: I am like..... soooooo never calling them shades again....
[01:29] AW: dude, shut up
[01:29] NN: Like.... ever
[01:29] AW: haha
[01:29] NN: Shaders sounds to cool......
[01:29] AW: whatever dude.
[01:29] AW: thanks
[01:35] -- naturevsNurture [NN] made Huskshaders --
[01:36] AW: sweet ars he))
[01:36] NN: I know.....
[01:36] NN: Hey... who do you know that might have a sword?
[01:37] AW: uh
[01:37] AW: i think kyanars might
[01:37] AW: she experimented with a )ot of different spe(ibi
[01:48] AW: you (ou)d arsk her
[01:48] NN: What about blue dude..........?
[01:48] AW: huh
[01:48] AW: you mean irsaard?
[01:48] AW: maybe
[01:48] AW: i know he hars daggerkind
[01:49] NN: Bluebloods... always have swords lying around.....
[01:49] NN: Right.....?
[01:49] AW: i dunno
[01:50] AW: i don't know any b)ueb)oods ex(ept him
[01:50] AW: and he's not rea))y a typi(a) b)ueb)ood
[01:50] NN: That's for sure......
[01:51] AW: you ta)ked to him?
[01:51] NN: What about Lerena.......?
[01:51] NN: Nah....
[01:51] NN: But I might as well have.....
[01:51] AW: )erena jurst ursers knifekind
[01:51] AW: and why do you say that?
[01:52] NN: Stebia like.... talks to him...... and then like.... talks to me about him.....
[01:52] AW: haha yeah
[01:52] AW: she doers that
[01:52] AW: she hars the biggerst pa)e(rursh on him
[01:52] NN: Yeah.... I like.... noticed.....
[01:53] AW: and yet she thinks he harsn't noti(ed
[01:53] AW: she (an be sort of naive sometimers
[01:54] NN: Anyone with like..... functioning optical organs can like.... see it.
[01:54] AW: i know.
[01:54] AW: it's sort of (ute.
[01:54] AW: don't know if he re(ipro(aters though
[01:54] AW: i don't even know if that guy hars fee)ings in the first p)a(e
[01:54] NN: Lol.... yeah
[01:55] AW: he's a)right though
[01:55] NN: Anyway.... I thought all highbloods were supposed to like.... have swords?
[01:55] AW: maybe
[01:55] AW: it irs the traditiona) thing
[01:55] AW: you (ou)d arsk him
[01:56] NN: Yeah.... besides I should like.... get to know everyone....
[01:56] AW: yeah
[01:56] AW: hey, i'm gonna go exp)ore thirs temp)e here
[01:56] AW: you go ta)k to irsaard and arsk him
[01:57] NN: Kay... like have fun....
[01:57] AW: you too
[01:57] AW: see ya
[01:57] AW: and thanks for the shaders
[01:57] NN: Later....
[01:57] NN: Np.....
[01:57] ]-- anonymousWavelength [AW] ceased pestering naturevsNurture [NN] at 13:57 --
[12:29] AW: hey
[12:29] AW: you okay?
[12:29] NN: Yeah.......
[12:29] AW: (oo)
[12:29] AW: you in your )and?
[12:29] NN: Like..... totally.....
[12:29] AW: sweet
[12:30] AW: what's it )ike?
[12:30] NN: Btw... Mr. Ribbits is like... Awesome....!
[12:30] AW: that's awersome
[12:30] AW: i sti)) (an't be)ieve you named him that.
[12:30] NN: Heh yeah.....
[12:31] NN: Anyway.... my land...?
[12:31] AW: yeah
[12:31] AW: )ike, the p)a(e you are in right now.
[12:32] NN: Oh....It's like.... a little.........
[12:32] NN: .........
[12:32] NN: ..........
[12:32] NN: ........
[12:32] NN: Froggy......
[12:32] AW: uh
[12:32] AW: okay
[12:32] AW: that;s a weird way to ders(ribe a p)anet
[12:33] AW: any other way you (ou)d ders(ribe it that makers any more sense?
[12:33] NN: Man.... if you were here..... you would have been like..... laughing right now....
[12:33] AW: seriours)y.
[12:33] AW: and why irs that
[12:34] NN: It's like.... full of fog and like.... frogs....
[12:34] AW: okay
[12:34] AW: sounds pretty (oo)
[12:35] AW: so why irs mr ribbits so hi)ariours?
[12:35] NN: Yeah.... btw... geddit?
[12:36] NN: Geddit....?
[12:36] AW: i get it.
[12:36] NN: :)
[12:36] NN: ....
[12:36] AW: seen any imps yet?
[12:36] NN: Wha....?
[12:37] AW: therse )itt)e monster things
[12:37] NN: Nah dude.... I haven't seen anything like that....
[12:37] AW: you're )u(ky then
[12:37] AW: they're annoying )itt)e barstards
[12:38] AW: what spe(iburs do you have?
[12:38] NN: Shield kind....
[12:38] AW: huh
[12:38] AW: that's different
[12:38] AW: kinda a weird spe(iburs to have
[12:41] AW: how do you even ki)) things with that?
[12:41] NN: I don't kill things.
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] NN: .....
[12:41] AW: weird
[12:41] AW: good )u(k )eve)ing up then
[12:41] NN: Like.... at all....
[12:41] AW: i think you have to ki)) stuff to get )eve)s
[12:42] AW: i ()eared out my hive and went way up my e(he)adder
[12:42] NN: Yeah.... I use it becuase of like.... a jade blood legend....
[12:42] AW: that's (oo)
[12:42] AW: i don't know any )egends or stuff
[12:42] AW: what irs it?
[12:43] NN: Well.... most just call it like.... a fairy tale.....
[12:43] AW: haha
[12:43] NN: And fairies aren't real.....
[12:43] AW: that's for sure.
[12:44] AW: te)) me the )egend anyway
[12:44] AW: it sounds interersting
[12:44] NN: Anyway.... there was like.... a time when shit was going down in the mother grub cave....
[12:45] NN: Oh and like.... we're not supposed to like.... talk about that time... but whatever now....
[12:45] NN: Since they can't find us.....
[12:45] AW: we?
[12:45] AW: you ursed to work there?
[12:46] NN: Oh........ crap
[12:46] NN: Did I like....say that?
[12:46] AW: you kinda did
[12:46] AW: it's (oo) though
[12:46] NN: Oh... well I guess I did work there....
[12:47] AW: sweet
[12:47] AW: why'd you )eave?
[12:47] NN: All jade bloods work there.....
[12:47] NN: Reasons....
[12:48] AW: that's okay
[12:48] AW: keep going with the story
[12:49] NN: Anyway.... some trolls like... broke into the cavern....
[12:50] NN: And they were all like..... trying to get at the mother grub........
[12:51] NN: And all the other jadebloods were like..... too scared to do anything....
[12:52] NN: But then this one dude like..... says "No f*ck that, you shall not pass motherf*ckers!"
[12:52] AW: i rea))y hope that wars a dire(t quote
[12:53] NN: He like grabbed this shield and like....... held those douchebags off till like...... reinforcements arived.....
[12:54] NN: He was pretty much awesome in like...... every sense of the word...
[12:55] AW: he sounds pretty awersome
[12:55] NN: Totally awesome........
[12:55] NN: So that's why I like.... use a shield......
[12:55] AW: that's a damn good rearson
[12:55] AW: i don't have a rearson for mine, i jurst )ike f)ai)s
[12:56] AW: they get the job done
[12:56] NN: Flails are cool.....
[12:56] AW: yeah
[12:56] AW: i upgraded the shit out of mine
[12:56] AW: apparent)y thirs game )ets you (ombine obje(ts to make (oo) stuff
[12:57] AW: so i made a (oup)e more weapons
[12:57] AW: they're pretty awersome
[12:57] NN: That's like..... chill
[12:57] AW: super (hi))
[12:57] AW: i a)so made therse sweet hursktop gogg)ers
[12:57] AW: ta)king to you on them right now
[12:58] NN: Sweetness.....
[12:58] AW: yeah
[12:58] AW: i (ou)d dep)oy you a pun(h dersignix right now
[12:58] NN: I like..... have pair of awesome shades myself...
[12:58] AW: so you (ou)d make some sweet stuff
[12:58] AW: seriours)y?
[12:58] AW: ni(e.
[12:58] AW: oh wait
[12:58] AW: shit
[12:58] AW: you don't have enough sha)e
[12:58] NN: What....?
[12:59] AW: you have a fu(k)oad of grirst though
[12:59] NN: Ha...?
[12:59] AW: you're going to need to ki)) some stuff to get sha)e
[12:59] NN: Huh......
[01:00] AW: i dunno, maybe there's another way to get it
[01:00] AW: doubtfu) though
[01:00] NN: You know..... lately I've been thinking.....
[01:00] NN: Maybe a shield like..... just isn't me.....
[01:01] NN: I'm like.... kinda shit at guarding things....
[01:01] AW: hey, you gotta do what you fee) )ike doing.
[01:01] AW: i don't know you we)) enough to know if you're shit at guarding, but do what you think irs right
[01:02] NN: I really wish that I could like..... be all awesome like that one dude....
[01:02] AW: i'm sure you are a p)enty awersome dude.
[01:02] AW: you seem pretty (hi))
[01:02] NN: But..... maybe I'm like not meant for that ya'know....
[01:03] NN: Thanks.....
[01:03] AW: no prob)em
[01:03] AW: and you gotta have a strifekind spe(iburs to swit(h
[01:03] AW: do you have anything e)se?
[01:03] NN: Nah.....
[01:03] AW: )ooks )ike you're stu(k with shie)dkind for now
[01:04] AW: maybe you (an a)(hemize something up )ater
[01:04] NN: I wish there was like..... a way to send other people stuff.....
[01:04] AW: there irs
[01:04] AW: sort of
[01:04] NN: Seriously........?
[01:05] AW: a)) i gotta do irs send you the (apt(ha (ode for something and then you pun(h it into the dersignix and make the shit out of it
[01:05] AW: but you need the dersignix first
[01:05] NN: Man.....
[01:05] AW: wait
[01:05] AW: ho)d on
[01:05] AW: idea
[01:05] AW: i'm gonna send you something
[01:06] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] sent naturevsNurture [NN] the program gristtorrent.exe --
[01:06] AW: run that
[01:06] AW: i (an send you some grirst
[01:06] AW: then you don't have to ki)) stuff
[01:08] -- naturevsNurture [NN] ran gristtorrent.exe --
[01:09] AW: sweet
[01:09] AW: okay, sending you some sha)e now
[01:09] AW: man i have a shit ton of stuff
[01:09] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] sent naturevsNurture [NN] 12 shale --
[01:10] AW: that shou)d be enough
[01:10] NN: Hey.... let me send you something.......
[01:10] AW: sweet
[01:10] NN: CHI11SP3CS
[01:11] AW: that irs the berst damn (apt(ha(ode i have ever seen
[01:11] NN: Those are like.... my special moonglasses....
[01:11] NN: They like..... make it easier to like..... see space....
[01:11] AW: awersome
[01:11] AW: thanks man
[01:12] NN: No prob.....
[01:12] AW: hey, where do you want thirs dersignix dep)oyed?
[01:12] NN: Anywhere... just not on the stalagmites....
[01:12] AW: haha
[01:12] AW: okay dude
[01:13] -- anonymousWavelength [AW] deployed the PUNCH DESIGNIX --
[01:13] NN: Not even joking.... Jerry is still like.... in shock over Carol....
[01:13] AW: jerry
[01:13] AW: dude, you are hi)ariours.
[01:14] AW: and i'm sorry about (aro)
[01:14] NN: Thanks......
[01:14] AW: okay, so here's how the dersignix works
[01:14] AW: what's your fet(h modurs, btw?
[01:14] NN: Inventory.....
[01:15] AW: what irs that?
[01:15] NN: You like.... just get what you want.....
[01:15] AW: what?
[01:15] AW: weird.
[01:16] NN: Yeah.... it's pretty lame.....
[01:16] AW: seriours)y.
[01:16] AW: okay, we)) get a (apt(ha (ard out of it and )ook at the ba(k
[01:16] NN: Kay....
[01:17] AW: pun(h that (ode into the dersignix
[01:17] NN: Ok.....
[01:17] AW: you got a pun(hed (ard?
[01:17] NN: Yup.....
[01:18] AW: a)right
[01:18] AW: remember the stuff you had to do to make the totem?
[01:18] AW: do that.
[01:19] AW: sweet
[01:19] NN: Ok.... I like... got another weird totem thingy....
[01:19] AW: sti(k that motherfu(ker in the a)(hemiter and make stuff.
[01:20] NN: Hmmm... it says I need some like.... mystery stuff.....
[01:20] AW: oh, more grirst?
[01:21] AW: whi(h kinds?
[01:21] NN: Like.... it just shows... a like "?"
[01:21] AW: huh
[01:21] AW: what are you trying to make?
[01:21] NN: .......
[01:21] NN: .......
[01:21] NN: ......
[01:21] NN: .........pie.
[01:22] AW: hahahahahaaaaa
[01:22] AW: dude
[01:22] AW: ni(e
[01:22] AW: i wi)) jurst torrent you some of every kind of grirst i have and maybe that wi)) he)p
[01:22] NN: I was gonna like...... make pie up to the sky....
[01:22] AW: you're awersome, you know that.
[01:23] NN: Then get the whole like.... planet high....
[01:23] AW: duuuuuuuuuuude
[01:23] AW: i am so (oming to your p)anet
[01:24] NN: Sweet.......
[01:24] AW: (an you make it now?
[01:25] NN: Nah man..... it's still missing that like.... special ingredient....
[01:25] AW: dang.
[01:25] NN: That must be what like... makes the pie awesome....
[01:25] AW: definite)y
[01:26] AW: we)), try something e)se then
[01:27] NN: Hmmm..... hang on can I like.... make computer specs?
[01:27] AW: yeah, tota))y
[01:27] AW: a)) you gotta do irs pun(h the (ard for your sweet shaders and the one for your (omputer, then put them both in the s)ot in the totem )athe
[01:28] AW: it')) make some sweet (omputer shaders.
[01:28] NN: Lol.... shaders....
[01:28] AW: shut up
[01:28] NN: I am like..... soooooo never calling them shades again....
[01:29] AW: dude, shut up
[01:29] NN: Like.... ever
[01:29] AW: haha
[01:29] NN: Shaders sounds to cool......
[01:29] AW: whatever dude.
[01:29] AW: thanks
[01:35] -- naturevsNurture [NN] made Huskshaders --
[01:36] AW: sweet ars he))
[01:36] NN: I know.....
[01:36] NN: Hey... who do you know that might have a sword?
[01:37] AW: uh
[01:37] AW: i think kyanars might
[01:37] AW: she experimented with a )ot of different spe(ibi
[01:48] AW: you (ou)d arsk her
[01:48] NN: What about blue dude..........?
[01:48] AW: huh
[01:48] AW: you mean irsaard?
[01:48] AW: maybe
[01:48] AW: i know he hars daggerkind
[01:49] NN: Bluebloods... always have swords lying around.....
[01:49] NN: Right.....?
[01:49] AW: i dunno
[01:50] AW: i don't know any b)ueb)oods ex(ept him
[01:50] AW: and he's not rea))y a typi(a) b)ueb)ood
[01:50] NN: That's for sure......
[01:51] AW: you ta)ked to him?
[01:51] NN: What about Lerena.......?
[01:51] NN: Nah....
[01:51] NN: But I might as well have.....
[01:51] AW: )erena jurst ursers knifekind
[01:51] AW: and why do you say that?
[01:52] NN: Stebia like.... talks to him...... and then like.... talks to me about him.....
[01:52] AW: haha yeah
[01:52] AW: she doers that
[01:52] AW: she hars the biggerst pa)e(rursh on him
[01:52] NN: Yeah.... I like.... noticed.....
[01:53] AW: and yet she thinks he harsn't noti(ed
[01:53] AW: she (an be sort of naive sometimers
[01:54] NN: Anyone with like..... functioning optical organs can like.... see it.
[01:54] AW: i know.
[01:54] AW: it's sort of (ute.
[01:54] AW: don't know if he re(ipro(aters though
[01:54] AW: i don't even know if that guy hars fee)ings in the first p)a(e
[01:54] NN: Lol.... yeah
[01:55] AW: he's a)right though
[01:55] NN: Anyway.... I thought all highbloods were supposed to like.... have swords?
[01:55] AW: maybe
[01:55] AW: it irs the traditiona) thing
[01:55] AW: you (ou)d arsk him
[01:56] NN: Yeah.... besides I should like.... get to know everyone....
[01:56] AW: yeah
[01:56] AW: hey, i'm gonna go exp)ore thirs temp)e here
[01:56] AW: you go ta)k to irsaard and arsk him
[01:57] NN: Kay... like have fun....
[01:57] AW: you too
[01:57] AW: see ya
[01:57] AW: and thanks for the shaders
[01:57] NN: Later....
[01:57] NN: Np.....
[01:57] ]-- anonymousWavelength [AW] ceased pestering naturevsNurture [NN] at 13:57 --