Post by philosophersBones on Nov 19, 2011 8:56:02 GMT -6
-- philosophersBones [PB] began pestering eldritchTransmission [ET] at 21:57 --
[09:57] PB: HEY
[09:57] PB: HEY ISAARD
[09:58] ET: Yes?
[09:58] PB: Are you ready?!?!!?!
[09:58] ET: F(..)r what, exactly?
[09:58] PB: THE GAME SILLY!!!
[09:58] PB: You know, the one we're going to play!!
[09:58] ET: Ugh....
[09:58] PB: Aw (--OME ON!!
[09:58] PB: I'tll be fun!!
[09:58] ET: Why did I let y(..)u talk me int(..) this...
[09:59] PB: Be(--ause I am awesome
[09:59] PB: And it will be great
[09:59] PB: And LODES OF FUN!!
[09:59] PB: You will enjoy yourself, I know it!
[09:59] ET: We really d(..) have (..)ther bigger c(..)ncerns right n(..)w.
[10:00] ET: The elder g(..)ds are restless.
[10:00] PB: Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeease.
[10:00] PB: Not this again.
[10:00] ET: I think that they are... singing.
[10:00] PB: Isaard, if I've told you one(--e I've told you a million times!
[10:00] PB: THEY'RE NOT REAL!!!!
[10:00] PB: How (--an something sing if it isn't real?
[10:00] ET: Y(..)u just d(..)n't get it.
[10:01] ET: Y(..)u haven't heard them
[10:01] PB: What I DO GET is that my best friend needs to get out more often!
[10:01] PB: And this game will be a great ex(--use for that!
[10:01] PB: Besides, how (--an I hear them if they AREN'T REAL?
[10:02] ET: I... there's n(..) p(..)int.
[10:02] PB: Exa(--tly.
[10:02] ET: Shut y(..)ur eyes it y(..)u want.
[10:02] PB: You know my logi(-- is superior!!!!
[10:02] PB: (
[10:02] ET: L(..)gic is n(..)t the right w(..)rd.
[10:03] ET: Willful ign(..)rance, maybe?
[10:03] PB: Oh BLUH BLUH mister grou(--hypants!
[10:03] PB: You are sooooooooooooo full of yourself!!
[10:03] ET: ...
[10:03] PB: You have just been shut up in your hive too long
[10:04] PB: I'm surprised you haven't gone (--RAZY in there yet!
[10:04] PB: Or wait.....
[10:04] PB: MAYBE YOU HAVE!!
[10:04] PB: That would explain the (--razy dream monsters!
[10:04] PB: O:D
[10:05] ET: Why d(..) y(..)u care s(..) much?
[10:05] PB: Be(--ause you're my best friend, silly!!
[10:05] PB: Duhhhhhhhhhhh
[10:05] PB: And if I don't take (--are of you, you (--ertainly won't!!
[10:05] ET: I d(..)n't have an impact (..)n y(..)ur life. We've never met in pers(..)n
[10:05] ET: I'm n(..)t y(..)ur pr(..)blem.
[10:05] PB: You do too have an impa(--t on my life!!
[10:06] PB: You are fun to talk to and thus you are my friend and thus my problem.
[10:06] PB: LOGI(--
[10:06] ET: Whatever y(..)u want t(..) call it.
[10:07] PB: You (--an be su(--h a grou(--h sometimes, you know that?
[10:07] PB: (
[10:07] PB: And Lerena said that when we play the game, we will be able to see ea(--h other!
[10:07] PB: No matter how far away our hives are!
[10:07] PB: So that solves that, smartypants!
[10:07] ET: I... That might n(..)t be such a g(..)(..)d idea...
[10:08] PB: Awwwww!!!!
[10:08] PB: Why not?
[10:08] PB: )
[10:08] ET: N(..)thing
[10:08] PB: Pfffffffft
[10:08] PB: There you go, getting worked up about nothing again!
[10:09] ET: By the way d(..) y(..)u remember that diam(..)nd h(..)rn file y(..)u g(..)t me?
[10:09] PB: Yeah!
[10:09] PB: What about it?
[10:10] ET: It was a nice gesture, and I'm grateful f(..)r it, but I've never used it.
[10:10] PB: Awwwwwww.
[10:10] PB: Well why bring it up then?
[10:10] ET: Y(..)u'll see...
[10:11] PB: I (--an tell you do!!!
[10:11] PB: I (--an see a plan from A MILE AWAY!!!
[10:11] PB: What do you have up your sleeeeeeeeves, huh?!?!
[10:11] ET: N(..), it's just I d(..)n't really need t(..) have sharp h(..)rns.
[10:11] PB: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
[10:12] PB: Well, I will see what you look like soon.
[10:12] PB: I bet you have REALLY NUBBY HORNS, TOO!
[10:12] ET: ....
[10:12] PB: Tee hee!
[10:12] PB: I will not judge you
[10:12] PB: Even though MY HORNS ARE SUPER (--OOL
[10:13] PB: We (--annot all be as (--ool as me
[10:13] PB: It is okay
[10:13] PB: I feel your pain
[10:13] ET: H(..)w d(..) y(..)u d(..) that.
[10:13] ET: ?
[10:13] PB: Do what?
[10:13] PB: ?
[10:14] ET: C(..)ax embarrassing statements fr(..)m me, at a regular basis.
[10:14] PB: I TOLD YOU
[10:14] PB: (
[10:14] ET: Right, we'll see ab(..)ut that in the game.
[10:15] PB: You are already ex(--ited for the game!!!
[10:15] ET: I'm... intrigued yes.
[10:15] PB: Hee hee hee!
[10:15] PB: Admit it mister, you are just as ex(--ited as I am!!
[10:15] ET: Wh(..) else is playing.
[10:15] PB: Uhhhhhh
[10:16] PB: I know Lerena is!
[10:16] PB: She's the one who set it all up!
[10:16] ET: Y(..)u mean the r(..)yal?
[10:16] PB: Lerena?
[10:16] PB: Yeah!
[10:16] PB: She's really gneiss!!
[10:16] PB: I used to flarp with her all the time!
[10:16] ET: Ugh...
[10:17] ET: If y(..)u say s(..)...
[10:17] ET: Y(..)u kn(..)w h(..)w I feel ab(..)ut r(..)yals.
[10:17] PB: Welllll, yeah
[10:17] PB: But Lerena is different!
[10:17] PB: She and Aruale are really good friends!!
[10:18] PB: And Aruale's even lower than me!!
[10:18] PB: So I don't think shale be like that.
[10:18] PB: You won't need to blow up HER husktop!
[10:18] PB: (
[10:18] ET: (..)ne time.
[10:18] ET: I (..)nly did that (..)ne time.
[10:18] PB: You know you would soooooooooo so it again!!!!
[10:19] PB: By the way, I never figured out how you did that!!
[10:19] ET: N(..).
[10:19] ET: Y(..)u d(..)n't want t(..).
[10:19] PB: Grrrrr )
[10:19] PB: I will find out eventually mister!!!!!!!!
[10:19] PB: You will have no se(--rets from me!
[10:20] ET: S(..) persistent...
[10:20] PB: YUP, THAT'S ME
[10:20] PB: And Aruale and Kyanas are playing too!
[10:20] PB: And also.....
[10:20] PB: Soooooooooooooooo mysterious!!
[10:21] ET: (..)h huzzah.
[10:21] PB: Tee hee!!
[10:21] PB: You will like him, I think!
[10:22] PB: You will like everyone!!!
[10:22] ET: Well we've certainly gathered a menagerie
[10:22] PB: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!?
[10:23] ET: It's supp(..)sed t(..) mean we have a diverse gr(..)up (..)f players.
[10:23] PB: Oh, that's okay then.
[10:23] PB: We really do!!
[10:23] PB: I just realized O:D
[10:23] ET: What?
[10:24] PB: That we have the WHOLE HEMOSPE(--TRUM!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:24] PB: This is great!!!
[10:24] ET: F(..)r a rainb(..)w drinker maybe...
[10:24] PB: Pffffffffffffffffffffft
[10:25] PB: Don't tell me you believe in them TOOOO
[10:25] PB: Rainbow drinkers are as fake as magi(--!!
[10:25] ET: I d(..)n't need t(..) believe if I've seen them.
[10:25] PB: WHAAT
[10:25] PB: You are su(--h a kidder sometimes, you know that?
[10:26] PB: Next you'll tell me you believe in MAGI(--.
[10:26] ET: Haha, yes magic, that is a g(..)(..)d (..)ne.
[10:26] PB: Oh phew!
[10:26] PB: For a se(--ond I thought you were going to say that you believed in it!!
[10:26] PB: I was going to be worried
[10:26] PB: Good thing I know you're sane!
[10:27] ET: Yes...
[10:27] PB: And you were kidding about the rainbow drinker, right?
[10:27] ET: If that's what helps y(..)u sleep at day.
[10:27] ET:
[10:27] PB: O:D
[10:27] PB: A WINKY FA(--E!
[10:28] PB: YOU NEVER MAKE FA(--ES!!!
[10:28] PB: Oh my gosh, I have to tell EVERYONE!!!
[10:28] ET: (..)h G(..)d
[10:28] PB: I'm sure the Empress herself must be notified of this glorious o(--(--asion!!
[10:28] PB: The entire empire must know!!!
[10:29] ET: The empress can sh(..)ve that trident (..)f hers up her n(..)(..)k.
[10:29] PB: Hey now!!
[10:29] PB: Be gneiss!!
[10:29] ET: Meh
[10:29] PB: She's the one who expanded the empire so mu(--h, after all!!
[10:29] ET: At what c(..)st th(..)ugh...
[10:29] PB: But without her, there'd be ADULTS on alternia!!!
[10:30] PB: (--an you imagine ADULTS ON ALTERNIA!??!!
[10:30] ET: N(..) actually.
[10:30] PB: SEE??
[10:30] PB: This is why we need the empress
[10:30] PB: She keeps the planet safe for the kids, and makes us new homes in the stars!!
[10:31] PB: That is what I have always heard, and I am sti(--king to it!!!!
[10:31] ET: Yeah, sure.
[10:31] ET: Believe that.
[10:31] PB: Oh, don't tell me your DREAMBEASTS told you otherwise?
[10:31] PB: Or have you been talking to Aruale?
[10:31] ET: I sh(..)uld give y(..)u s(..)me reading material when we meet.
[10:32] PB: OH NOOOOO
[10:32] PB: SHE GOT TO YOU TOO!!
[10:32] ET: It might elighten y(..)u.
[10:32] PB: She's nook-deep in all that revolutionary stuff now!!!!
[10:32] PB: She never has time for fun!!!!!
[10:32] PB: You are NOT ALLOWED to turn into her!!!!
[10:32] PB: Ooh, jeez.
[10:32] PB: Sorry.
[10:32] ET: ....
[10:33] PB: )
[10:33] ET: I have f(..)und s(..)me ancient texts, that tell s(..)me... disturbing things ab(..)ut (..)ur hist(..)ry.
[10:33] PB: Hmmmmmmmm
[10:33] PB: So you're trusting some musty an(--ient texts
[10:34] PB: Over what is being said right now
[10:34] ET: Yes.
[10:34] PB: Well what do they say?
[10:34] ET: They have n(..)t been tainted by the empress and her lies, thats f(..)r (..)ne.
[10:34] PB: Okay, I will ignore that about the empress, so go on
[10:35] ET: They tell (..)f (..)ne am(..)ng us wh(..) did n(..)t have a sign.
[10:36] ET: In fact he was n(..)t even (..)n the hem(..)spectrum.
[10:36] PB: Huh?!?!
[10:37] ET: His bl(..)(..)d was bright red.
[10:37] PB: Okay, now I know you're just making up stuff.
[10:37] PB: How is that even possible?!?!
[10:37] ET: At the time it was deemed a mutati(..)n.
[10:38] ET: He didn't even have a lusus.
[10:38] PB: How did he SURVIVE?!!?
[10:39] ET: He was raised by (..)ne (..)f the m(..)thergrub attendants.
[10:39] PB: Huh.
[10:39] ET: Fascinating is it n(..)t.
[10:39] ET: ?
[10:40] PB: Wellllllllll
[10:40] PB: I don't quite know what to make of it
[10:40] PB: It all sounds like a fairytale to me!
[10:40] PB: But I guess if you say so...
[10:41] ET: Mind y(..)u I f(..)und this st(..)ry (..)n a cave wall n(..) less.
[10:41] PB: A (--ave wall???
[10:41] PB: WHERE?
[10:41] ET: It's secret
[10:41] PB: O:D
[10:41] PB: (--AN I (--OME?!?!
[10:41] ET: N(..) (..)ne can find it.
[10:41] PB: Maybe they're (--onne(--ted to more (--aves!!
[10:41] PB: And they (--ould be part of the (--ave network where I explore!!!!
[10:42] PB: Then I (--ould see them too!!!
[10:42] ET: If y(..)u pr(..)mise n(..)t t(..) tell any(..)ne then yes y(..)u may c(..)me.
[10:42] PB: O:D
[10:42] PB: I promise I promise I promise!!!!!!
[10:43] ET: Just be careful, I'm still translating the runes.
[10:43] PB: Oh man, what kind of (--aves are they?
[10:43] PB: I'M SOOOOOO EX(--ITED!!!!
[10:43] PB: I love (--aves!!!!
[10:43] ET: It seems t(..) me that they were s(..)me(..)nes h(..)me.
[10:43] PB: O:D !!!!!!!!!!
[10:43] PB: I LIVE IN A (--AVE!!!!!
[10:44] PB: THAT'S SOOOOO (--OOL!!!
[10:44] ET: I f(..)und a skelet(..)n.
[10:44] PB: Ewww.
[10:44] PB: Was it a kid?
[10:44] PB: Maybe someone wandered in there by mistake and DIED!
[10:44] ET: N(..), an adult.
[10:44] PB: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
[10:44] PB: That's even worse!
[10:45] PB: What was an adult doing on Alternia?
[10:45] PB: Good thing they died!!!
[10:45] ET: I w(..)uld have liked t(..) speak with wh(..)ever it was.
[10:45] PB: WHYYYYY???
[10:45] PB: Who wants to talk to a squatter?!?!
[10:46] PB: You should be glad they're not still down there!!
[10:46] ET: I think she knew the red bl(..)(..)ded tr(..)ll.
[10:46] PB: SHE!?!?!?!
[10:46] PB: You (--an identify a troll's gender by their SKELETON?!?!
[10:46] PB: Whoa!!
[10:46] PB: That's really (--ool!!!!!
[10:47] ET: The runes refer t(..) herself as a she silly.
[10:47] PB: Oh.
[10:47] PB: Okay then.
[10:47] PB: Well, still, reading runes is (--ool too
[10:47] ET: She seems t(..) have been (..)ne (..)f Redbl(..)(..)d's disciples.
[10:48] PB: He had dis(--iples?!?!!?!!!
[10:48] ET: It's a l(..)ng st(..)ry.
[10:48] PB: So you are like an ar(--haeologist now?
[10:48] ET: Well n(..)
[10:48] PB: Anyone who reads runes and finds skeletons is basi(--ally an ar(--haeologist!
[10:49] ET: I like (..)ld things that d(..)n't talk, sue me.
[10:49] PB: And why is that, Mr Meaniepants?!?
[10:49] PB: You don't like talkative trolls??
[10:49] PB: I am hurt. )
[10:49] ET: Ugh, n(..) y(..)u’re n(..)t.
[10:50] ET: Y(..)ur just pretending t(..) be hurt, t(..) get t(..) me.
[10:50] PB: Tee hee! (;D
[10:50] PB: And it worked, didn't it?
[10:50] PB: You (--ared for an infintesimal se(--ond!!
[10:50] ET: Like magic.
[10:51] PB: Feelings aren't fake like magi(-- is!!!
[10:51] PB: Feel that, Isaard?
[10:51] PB: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in your expanding and (--ontra(--ting vas(--ular system?
[10:51] ET: N(..).
[10:51] PB: That is (--alled...............
[10:51] PB: I know you feel it, Grou(--hypants!!!
[10:52] PB: (
[10:52] ET: (..)h g(..)d I’m infected by friendship.
[10:52] PB: YESSSSS!!!!!!!
[10:52] ET: I sh(..)uld seek a d(..)ct(..)r.
[10:52] PB: STEBIA WINS!!!
[10:52] PB: INFE(--TION (--OMPLETE!!!
[10:52] PB: HAHAHAHA!!!
[10:52] ET: Maybe I can cure it.
[10:52] PB: Never!!!
[10:52] ET: It's n(..)t t(..)(..) late.
[10:53] PB: There is no (--ure for friendship, Isaard!!!
[10:53] PB: It is there FOREVER!!!!
[10:53] PB: FOR
[10:53] PB: EVER
[10:53] PB: (XD
[10:54] PB: You are trapped, Isaard!
[10:54] ET: Ugh.
[10:54] ET: It's getting early Stebia, d(..) y(..)u want t(..) see th(..)se ruins t(..)morr(..)w after the game?
[10:54] PB: Sure!!
[10:54] PB: But I heard the game would take a while.
[10:54] PB: So maybe I will see them DURING the game?
[10:54] ET: They're cl(..)se t(..) my hive.
[10:54] PB: Well I will see them when I see you!!
[10:55] PB: Lerena said we would meet in person be(--ause of the game!!
[10:55] PB: She said she KNOWS it!!!
[10:55] PB: I think it's a bit fishy (teehee)!!
[10:55] PB: But her sour(--es sound less (--razy then yours!
[10:55] ET: (..)h great they've g(..)t y(..)u d(..)ing fish puns t(..)(..)
[10:56] PB: Teeheeeeeee!!!
[10:56] PB: (;D
[10:56] ET: Anyway, I need t(..) sleep.
[10:56] PB: Okay, good day!!!
[10:56] ET: G(..)(..)d day t(..) y(..)u as well.
-- eldritchTransmission [ET] ceased pestering philosophersBones [PB] at 22:56 --
[09:57] PB: HEY
[09:57] PB: HEY ISAARD
[09:58] ET: Yes?
[09:58] PB: Are you ready?!?!!?!
[09:58] ET: F(..)r what, exactly?
[09:58] PB: THE GAME SILLY!!!
[09:58] PB: You know, the one we're going to play!!
[09:58] ET: Ugh....
[09:58] PB: Aw (--OME ON!!
[09:58] PB: I'tll be fun!!
[09:58] ET: Why did I let y(..)u talk me int(..) this...
[09:59] PB: Be(--ause I am awesome
[09:59] PB: And it will be great
[09:59] PB: And LODES OF FUN!!
[09:59] PB: You will enjoy yourself, I know it!
[09:59] ET: We really d(..) have (..)ther bigger c(..)ncerns right n(..)w.
[10:00] ET: The elder g(..)ds are restless.
[10:00] PB: Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeease.
[10:00] PB: Not this again.
[10:00] ET: I think that they are... singing.
[10:00] PB: Isaard, if I've told you one(--e I've told you a million times!
[10:00] PB: THEY'RE NOT REAL!!!!
[10:00] PB: How (--an something sing if it isn't real?
[10:00] ET: Y(..)u just d(..)n't get it.
[10:01] ET: Y(..)u haven't heard them
[10:01] PB: What I DO GET is that my best friend needs to get out more often!
[10:01] PB: And this game will be a great ex(--use for that!
[10:01] PB: Besides, how (--an I hear them if they AREN'T REAL?
[10:02] ET: I... there's n(..) p(..)int.
[10:02] PB: Exa(--tly.
[10:02] ET: Shut y(..)ur eyes it y(..)u want.
[10:02] PB: You know my logi(-- is superior!!!!
[10:02] PB: (
[10:02] ET: L(..)gic is n(..)t the right w(..)rd.
[10:03] ET: Willful ign(..)rance, maybe?
[10:03] PB: Oh BLUH BLUH mister grou(--hypants!
[10:03] PB: You are sooooooooooooo full of yourself!!
[10:03] ET: ...
[10:03] PB: You have just been shut up in your hive too long
[10:04] PB: I'm surprised you haven't gone (--RAZY in there yet!
[10:04] PB: Or wait.....
[10:04] PB: MAYBE YOU HAVE!!
[10:04] PB: That would explain the (--razy dream monsters!
[10:04] PB: O:D
[10:05] ET: Why d(..) y(..)u care s(..) much?
[10:05] PB: Be(--ause you're my best friend, silly!!
[10:05] PB: Duhhhhhhhhhhh
[10:05] PB: And if I don't take (--are of you, you (--ertainly won't!!
[10:05] ET: I d(..)n't have an impact (..)n y(..)ur life. We've never met in pers(..)n
[10:05] ET: I'm n(..)t y(..)ur pr(..)blem.
[10:05] PB: You do too have an impa(--t on my life!!
[10:06] PB: You are fun to talk to and thus you are my friend and thus my problem.
[10:06] PB: LOGI(--
[10:06] ET: Whatever y(..)u want t(..) call it.
[10:07] PB: You (--an be su(--h a grou(--h sometimes, you know that?
[10:07] PB: (
[10:07] PB: And Lerena said that when we play the game, we will be able to see ea(--h other!
[10:07] PB: No matter how far away our hives are!
[10:07] PB: So that solves that, smartypants!
[10:07] ET: I... That might n(..)t be such a g(..)(..)d idea...
[10:08] PB: Awwwww!!!!
[10:08] PB: Why not?
[10:08] PB: )
[10:08] ET: N(..)thing
[10:08] PB: Pfffffffft
[10:08] PB: There you go, getting worked up about nothing again!
[10:09] ET: By the way d(..) y(..)u remember that diam(..)nd h(..)rn file y(..)u g(..)t me?
[10:09] PB: Yeah!
[10:09] PB: What about it?
[10:10] ET: It was a nice gesture, and I'm grateful f(..)r it, but I've never used it.
[10:10] PB: Awwwwwww.
[10:10] PB: Well why bring it up then?
[10:10] ET: Y(..)u'll see...
[10:11] PB: I (--an tell you do!!!
[10:11] PB: I (--an see a plan from A MILE AWAY!!!
[10:11] PB: What do you have up your sleeeeeeeeves, huh?!?!
[10:11] ET: N(..), it's just I d(..)n't really need t(..) have sharp h(..)rns.
[10:11] PB: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
[10:12] PB: Well, I will see what you look like soon.
[10:12] PB: I bet you have REALLY NUBBY HORNS, TOO!
[10:12] ET: ....
[10:12] PB: Tee hee!
[10:12] PB: I will not judge you
[10:12] PB: Even though MY HORNS ARE SUPER (--OOL
[10:13] PB: We (--annot all be as (--ool as me
[10:13] PB: It is okay
[10:13] PB: I feel your pain
[10:13] ET: H(..)w d(..) y(..)u d(..) that.
[10:13] ET: ?
[10:13] PB: Do what?
[10:13] PB: ?
[10:14] ET: C(..)ax embarrassing statements fr(..)m me, at a regular basis.
[10:14] PB: I TOLD YOU
[10:14] PB: (
[10:14] ET: Right, we'll see ab(..)ut that in the game.
[10:15] PB: You are already ex(--ited for the game!!!
[10:15] ET: I'm... intrigued yes.
[10:15] PB: Hee hee hee!
[10:15] PB: Admit it mister, you are just as ex(--ited as I am!!
[10:15] ET: Wh(..) else is playing.
[10:15] PB: Uhhhhhh
[10:16] PB: I know Lerena is!
[10:16] PB: She's the one who set it all up!
[10:16] ET: Y(..)u mean the r(..)yal?
[10:16] PB: Lerena?
[10:16] PB: Yeah!
[10:16] PB: She's really gneiss!!
[10:16] PB: I used to flarp with her all the time!
[10:16] ET: Ugh...
[10:17] ET: If y(..)u say s(..)...
[10:17] ET: Y(..)u kn(..)w h(..)w I feel ab(..)ut r(..)yals.
[10:17] PB: Welllll, yeah
[10:17] PB: But Lerena is different!
[10:17] PB: She and Aruale are really good friends!!
[10:18] PB: And Aruale's even lower than me!!
[10:18] PB: So I don't think shale be like that.
[10:18] PB: You won't need to blow up HER husktop!
[10:18] PB: (
[10:18] ET: (..)ne time.
[10:18] ET: I (..)nly did that (..)ne time.
[10:18] PB: You know you would soooooooooo so it again!!!!
[10:19] PB: By the way, I never figured out how you did that!!
[10:19] ET: N(..).
[10:19] ET: Y(..)u d(..)n't want t(..).
[10:19] PB: Grrrrr )
[10:19] PB: I will find out eventually mister!!!!!!!!
[10:19] PB: You will have no se(--rets from me!
[10:20] ET: S(..) persistent...
[10:20] PB: YUP, THAT'S ME
[10:20] PB: And Aruale and Kyanas are playing too!
[10:20] PB: And also.....
[10:20] PB: Soooooooooooooooo mysterious!!
[10:21] ET: (..)h huzzah.
[10:21] PB: Tee hee!!
[10:21] PB: You will like him, I think!
[10:22] PB: You will like everyone!!!
[10:22] ET: Well we've certainly gathered a menagerie
[10:22] PB: Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!?
[10:23] ET: It's supp(..)sed t(..) mean we have a diverse gr(..)up (..)f players.
[10:23] PB: Oh, that's okay then.
[10:23] PB: We really do!!
[10:23] PB: I just realized O:D
[10:23] ET: What?
[10:24] PB: That we have the WHOLE HEMOSPE(--TRUM!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:24] PB: This is great!!!
[10:24] ET: F(..)r a rainb(..)w drinker maybe...
[10:24] PB: Pffffffffffffffffffffft
[10:25] PB: Don't tell me you believe in them TOOOO
[10:25] PB: Rainbow drinkers are as fake as magi(--!!
[10:25] ET: I d(..)n't need t(..) believe if I've seen them.
[10:25] PB: WHAAT
[10:25] PB: You are su(--h a kidder sometimes, you know that?
[10:26] PB: Next you'll tell me you believe in MAGI(--.
[10:26] ET: Haha, yes magic, that is a g(..)(..)d (..)ne.
[10:26] PB: Oh phew!
[10:26] PB: For a se(--ond I thought you were going to say that you believed in it!!
[10:26] PB: I was going to be worried
[10:26] PB: Good thing I know you're sane!
[10:27] ET: Yes...
[10:27] PB: And you were kidding about the rainbow drinker, right?
[10:27] ET: If that's what helps y(..)u sleep at day.
[10:27] ET:
[10:27] PB: O:D
[10:27] PB: A WINKY FA(--E!
[10:28] PB: YOU NEVER MAKE FA(--ES!!!
[10:28] PB: Oh my gosh, I have to tell EVERYONE!!!
[10:28] ET: (..)h G(..)d
[10:28] PB: I'm sure the Empress herself must be notified of this glorious o(--(--asion!!
[10:28] PB: The entire empire must know!!!
[10:29] ET: The empress can sh(..)ve that trident (..)f hers up her n(..)(..)k.
[10:29] PB: Hey now!!
[10:29] PB: Be gneiss!!
[10:29] ET: Meh
[10:29] PB: She's the one who expanded the empire so mu(--h, after all!!
[10:29] ET: At what c(..)st th(..)ugh...
[10:29] PB: But without her, there'd be ADULTS on alternia!!!
[10:30] PB: (--an you imagine ADULTS ON ALTERNIA!??!!
[10:30] ET: N(..) actually.
[10:30] PB: SEE??
[10:30] PB: This is why we need the empress
[10:30] PB: She keeps the planet safe for the kids, and makes us new homes in the stars!!
[10:31] PB: That is what I have always heard, and I am sti(--king to it!!!!
[10:31] ET: Yeah, sure.
[10:31] ET: Believe that.
[10:31] PB: Oh, don't tell me your DREAMBEASTS told you otherwise?
[10:31] PB: Or have you been talking to Aruale?
[10:31] ET: I sh(..)uld give y(..)u s(..)me reading material when we meet.
[10:32] PB: OH NOOOOO
[10:32] PB: SHE GOT TO YOU TOO!!
[10:32] ET: It might elighten y(..)u.
[10:32] PB: She's nook-deep in all that revolutionary stuff now!!!!
[10:32] PB: She never has time for fun!!!!!
[10:32] PB: You are NOT ALLOWED to turn into her!!!!
[10:32] PB: Ooh, jeez.
[10:32] PB: Sorry.
[10:32] ET: ....
[10:33] PB: )
[10:33] ET: I have f(..)und s(..)me ancient texts, that tell s(..)me... disturbing things ab(..)ut (..)ur hist(..)ry.
[10:33] PB: Hmmmmmmmm
[10:33] PB: So you're trusting some musty an(--ient texts
[10:34] PB: Over what is being said right now
[10:34] ET: Yes.
[10:34] PB: Well what do they say?
[10:34] ET: They have n(..)t been tainted by the empress and her lies, thats f(..)r (..)ne.
[10:34] PB: Okay, I will ignore that about the empress, so go on
[10:35] ET: They tell (..)f (..)ne am(..)ng us wh(..) did n(..)t have a sign.
[10:36] ET: In fact he was n(..)t even (..)n the hem(..)spectrum.
[10:36] PB: Huh?!?!
[10:37] ET: His bl(..)(..)d was bright red.
[10:37] PB: Okay, now I know you're just making up stuff.
[10:37] PB: How is that even possible?!?!
[10:37] ET: At the time it was deemed a mutati(..)n.
[10:38] ET: He didn't even have a lusus.
[10:38] PB: How did he SURVIVE?!!?
[10:39] ET: He was raised by (..)ne (..)f the m(..)thergrub attendants.
[10:39] PB: Huh.
[10:39] ET: Fascinating is it n(..)t.
[10:39] ET: ?
[10:40] PB: Wellllllllll
[10:40] PB: I don't quite know what to make of it
[10:40] PB: It all sounds like a fairytale to me!
[10:40] PB: But I guess if you say so...
[10:41] ET: Mind y(..)u I f(..)und this st(..)ry (..)n a cave wall n(..) less.
[10:41] PB: A (--ave wall???
[10:41] PB: WHERE?
[10:41] ET: It's secret
[10:41] PB: O:D
[10:41] PB: (--AN I (--OME?!?!
[10:41] ET: N(..) (..)ne can find it.
[10:41] PB: Maybe they're (--onne(--ted to more (--aves!!
[10:41] PB: And they (--ould be part of the (--ave network where I explore!!!!
[10:42] PB: Then I (--ould see them too!!!
[10:42] ET: If y(..)u pr(..)mise n(..)t t(..) tell any(..)ne then yes y(..)u may c(..)me.
[10:42] PB: O:D
[10:42] PB: I promise I promise I promise!!!!!!
[10:43] ET: Just be careful, I'm still translating the runes.
[10:43] PB: Oh man, what kind of (--aves are they?
[10:43] PB: I'M SOOOOOO EX(--ITED!!!!
[10:43] PB: I love (--aves!!!!
[10:43] ET: It seems t(..) me that they were s(..)me(..)nes h(..)me.
[10:43] PB: O:D !!!!!!!!!!
[10:43] PB: I LIVE IN A (--AVE!!!!!
[10:44] PB: THAT'S SOOOOO (--OOL!!!
[10:44] ET: I f(..)und a skelet(..)n.
[10:44] PB: Ewww.
[10:44] PB: Was it a kid?
[10:44] PB: Maybe someone wandered in there by mistake and DIED!
[10:44] ET: N(..), an adult.
[10:44] PB: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
[10:44] PB: That's even worse!
[10:45] PB: What was an adult doing on Alternia?
[10:45] PB: Good thing they died!!!
[10:45] ET: I w(..)uld have liked t(..) speak with wh(..)ever it was.
[10:45] PB: WHYYYYY???
[10:45] PB: Who wants to talk to a squatter?!?!
[10:46] PB: You should be glad they're not still down there!!
[10:46] ET: I think she knew the red bl(..)(..)ded tr(..)ll.
[10:46] PB: SHE!?!?!?!
[10:46] PB: You (--an identify a troll's gender by their SKELETON?!?!
[10:46] PB: Whoa!!
[10:46] PB: That's really (--ool!!!!!
[10:47] ET: The runes refer t(..) herself as a she silly.
[10:47] PB: Oh.
[10:47] PB: Okay then.
[10:47] PB: Well, still, reading runes is (--ool too
[10:47] ET: She seems t(..) have been (..)ne (..)f Redbl(..)(..)d's disciples.
[10:48] PB: He had dis(--iples?!?!!?!!!
[10:48] ET: It's a l(..)ng st(..)ry.
[10:48] PB: So you are like an ar(--haeologist now?
[10:48] ET: Well n(..)
[10:48] PB: Anyone who reads runes and finds skeletons is basi(--ally an ar(--haeologist!
[10:49] ET: I like (..)ld things that d(..)n't talk, sue me.
[10:49] PB: And why is that, Mr Meaniepants?!?
[10:49] PB: You don't like talkative trolls??
[10:49] PB: I am hurt. )
[10:49] ET: Ugh, n(..) y(..)u’re n(..)t.
[10:50] ET: Y(..)ur just pretending t(..) be hurt, t(..) get t(..) me.
[10:50] PB: Tee hee! (;D
[10:50] PB: And it worked, didn't it?
[10:50] PB: You (--ared for an infintesimal se(--ond!!
[10:50] ET: Like magic.
[10:51] PB: Feelings aren't fake like magi(-- is!!!
[10:51] PB: Feel that, Isaard?
[10:51] PB: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in your expanding and (--ontra(--ting vas(--ular system?
[10:51] ET: N(..).
[10:51] PB: That is (--alled...............
[10:51] PB: I know you feel it, Grou(--hypants!!!
[10:52] PB: (
[10:52] ET: (..)h g(..)d I’m infected by friendship.
[10:52] PB: YESSSSS!!!!!!!
[10:52] ET: I sh(..)uld seek a d(..)ct(..)r.
[10:52] PB: STEBIA WINS!!!
[10:52] PB: INFE(--TION (--OMPLETE!!!
[10:52] PB: HAHAHAHA!!!
[10:52] ET: Maybe I can cure it.
[10:52] PB: Never!!!
[10:52] ET: It's n(..)t t(..)(..) late.
[10:53] PB: There is no (--ure for friendship, Isaard!!!
[10:53] PB: It is there FOREVER!!!!
[10:53] PB: FOR
[10:53] PB: EVER
[10:53] PB: (XD
[10:54] PB: You are trapped, Isaard!
[10:54] ET: Ugh.
[10:54] ET: It's getting early Stebia, d(..) y(..)u want t(..) see th(..)se ruins t(..)morr(..)w after the game?
[10:54] PB: Sure!!
[10:54] PB: But I heard the game would take a while.
[10:54] PB: So maybe I will see them DURING the game?
[10:54] ET: They're cl(..)se t(..) my hive.
[10:54] PB: Well I will see them when I see you!!
[10:55] PB: Lerena said we would meet in person be(--ause of the game!!
[10:55] PB: She said she KNOWS it!!!
[10:55] PB: I think it's a bit fishy (teehee)!!
[10:55] PB: But her sour(--es sound less (--razy then yours!
[10:55] ET: (..)h great they've g(..)t y(..)u d(..)ing fish puns t(..)(..)
[10:56] PB: Teeheeeeeee!!!
[10:56] PB: (;D
[10:56] ET: Anyway, I need t(..) sleep.
[10:56] PB: Okay, good day!!!
[10:56] ET: G(..)(..)d day t(..) y(..)u as well.
-- eldritchTransmission [ET] ceased pestering philosophersBones [PB] at 22:56 --